Protecting mobile workers with Windows 7 security

The Windows Security Blog features a great high-level look by Paul Cooke at the security features in Windows 7 that help mobile workers access the information they need to be productive. He describes the benefits of Windows 7 support for multiple active firewall policies, whichenables PCs to obtain and apply domain firewall profile information regardless of other networks that may be active on the PC; DirectAccess, which establishes a bi-directional connection from client computers to the corporate network; BranchCache, which caches data accessed from Intranet Web sites and/or file servers locally within the branch office; BitLocker to Go, which allows you to encrypt the disk volume of removable storage devices with a password and/or a digital certificate stored on a smart card; and AppLocker, which helps protect applications that run on corporate PCs by intercepting kernel calls that try to create new processes or load libraries and makes sure that the code in question has been allowed to execute.

More to come,


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