Download the Windows 7 Release Candidate

Yes, the RC is now available and features several changes and improvements since the Beta release, including improved boot performance, FAT32 support, and User Account Control (UAC) design changes. Go here to download the Windows 7 Release Candidate. To assist in your evaluation, here are some key resources:

· What’s New in Windows 7 RC video

· How to Start a Windows Pilot Deployment

· Demonstration: Migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7

· Additional pilot and deployment guidance

· Windows 7 Application Quality Cookbook

· Windows 7 Deployment FAQ

· Windows 7 IT Pro at Home: Tips and Tricks

To keep up with the latest guidance and tools for testing Windows 7 bookmark the Springboard Series for Windows 7. To see how you can use the latest planning tool for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 migration and virtualization projects, the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 4.0 beta program is now open. Also remember to mark Your Calendar for the July 1, 2009 Windows 7 Beta expiration.

And just a reminder, Windows 7 RC is available to TechNet Plus Subscribers.

More to come,


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