【Longhorn】 ついに足音が聞こえてきたか
(English follows)
さて、全体的な所感としてはLonghornとSystem Center関連の製品がかなり盛り上がってきている点があげられます。Vistaとは正反対にITPro的な観点でのLonghorn Serverビュー、つまりNAPだったり ターミナルサービスだったりが注目を浴びることが多かったので開発者的な視点は今まであまり情報が無かったのですが、今回はまさに開発者向けのセッションもあり、Longhorn Server (同タイミングでVistaのSPも予定されてますが)が来るぞーという風を感じた一週間でした。もちろんLonghorn Serverにだけ用意されるWindows Virtualizationもかなり注目の的でどれだけのスペックを持って登場するかが興味津々なところです。
これから多くのメッセージを持って届けられると思いますが、新技術を詰め込んだシナリオ DinnerNow というものが米国の私たちエバンジェリストのカウンターパートであるDPEチームによって組み上げられました。リンクを書いておきます。このシナリオのデモをこれから多く見ることになると思います。
IIS7, ASP.NET Ajax Extensions, Linq, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Powershell, and the .NET Compact Framework
これだけ入ってるので盛り沢山もいいところですが、開発関連テクノロジーのVirtual Lab風なタッチ、実サンプルとでも言いましょうか。こんな感じで入手した情報はすこーしずつ出していきますね。(^-^)
As I have written before, I was attending a technical conference for employees in the U.S. for a week. It is sorry to say that I caught a pretty bad cold while my stay and I took some pills I bought from the drug store which happens to be more powerrful than the ones I usually use so I lacked focus on doing things normally. So naturally I didn't blog anything. I went to the Microsoft Campus in Redmond several times so I'll leave my title photo from the campus for a while.
So the overall insight of the conference is that Longhorn Server and System Center products are really coming now. For Vista, there was alot of information for developers since it would be the platform to use in testing and coding, the early information for Longhorn Server was the opposite, much info in the IT Pro point of view, things like NAP, Terminal Services etc. This time there were pretty much information for the developers and there was a session about Longhorn for Developers also. I felt a stream of Longhorn Server coming alot this week. Of course, Windows Virtualization that will be only for Longhorn Server is a technology that everyone should be interested and for me, I'm wondering with what kind of spec it will come out with.
Probably there will be alot of delivery with many messages along with it, a scenario called "DinnerNow" was introduced alot in the conference, which was built by DPE folks actually the guys in Redmond we evangelists talk to alot. I'd like to leave a link for you. You will probably see many demos using this scenario from now on.
IIS7, ASP.NET Ajax Extensions, Linq, Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Powershell, and the .NET Compact Framework
It includes this much so it's fully packed but it shows a VLAB kind of experience showing you real samples for each technology. I'd like to introduce the new thing I got one by one from today. :-)