【Longhorn】 最近話すことが多いこのネタ
(English follows)
シアトル出張で大風邪をひいて、その後 全国行脚道場の最後の2開催(高松・金沢)に行って移動中もマスク、どこかにつくと風邪薬を飲んでという生活をしていたので Blog に手がつきませんでした。実に参りました。MDC・WinHEC・TechEdといったマイクロソフトのイベントをご存じの方は Longhorn Server 概要 というと 高添 というイメージがあるかもしれませんが、最近かなり注目度が上がってきて Microsoft On でも人気コンテンツとなりつつあります。なので私も結構 Longhorn で色々なお客様にお邪魔をさせていただいている状況です。
ベータ2以降 皆さんがふれる機会が多分少なく、やはり Vista に目が行くとは思いますが、我々エバンジェリストは現在 道場で回っていた Exchange2007・MOSS2007 の他、あらためて現在・未来の Active Directory もそうですが、そろそろ Longhorn Server にも手が動き始めています。今後お話する機会が確実に増加すると思われるこのエリアですね。
[Longhorn] A theme that I speak a lot recently
After catching cold at a business trip to Seattle, came back to Japan, and attended two IT Pro Dojos @ Takamatasu & Kanazawa. Always putting a mask on while moving and taking medicine everywhere I went so I really couldn't blog for a while. This was really hard for me. People who know Microsoft events like MDC, WinHEC, TechEd probably have an image that Osamu is the Longhorn speaker but recently Longhorn is very popular among the "Microsoft On" seminar curriculum so I also speak alot about Longhorn too at various customers.
After Beta2, probably you didn't have a chance to see Longhorn Server and you'll probably be looking at Vista right now. We evangelists were recently looking at Exchange 2007, MOSS 2007, and Active Directory revival sessions - the recent IT Pro Dojo was delivered with this subject - very much but some % of our bodies are shifting to Longhorn Server now. You will probably see alot from us regarding Longhorn Server in the next few month.