【IIS7】 WebDAVのモジュールも出荷
- IIS7.0との統合
- サイトごとの設定
- URLごとのセキュリティ
が特徴です。WebDAVの記事も7つほど Getting Started と Advanced Administrative Features にあがっていますのでこのエリアに興味がある方はぜひご覧ください。
= English =
[IIS7] WebDAV module also went out the door
I insist you check out the following blog. The module that has lots of interest - as far as I felt speaking to many people - has shipped.
- Integration with IIS7.0
- Per-site Configuration
- Per-URL Security
Are the main area of changes. There are 7 articles in the Getting Started and Advanced Administrative Features section of the IIS.NET site so if you're interested, go see them.