Alex, the answer is “Elisabeth Raab competing on Jeopardy?”


That would be the correct response to the Jeopardy question: “who is the coolest teacher you know competing on what game show?” Well, let’s just say I don’t make my living writing Jeopardy questions.

Ms. Elisabeth Raab featured on local ABC affiliate on her Jeopardy appearance.

So this morning as I was looking to post something cool during Teacher Appreciation week, and after several emails (and a phone call from my Aunt in PA who also knew about the School of the Future) landed in my inbox regarding Elisabeth Raab, an Educator at the School of the Future in Philadelphia competing on Jeopardy!. For those that remember, I spent 3 years at the school working with Educators including Ms. Raab trying to understand the challenges of innovating in an urban public school. But this post isn’t about me or about the school, it’s about an Educator who’s knowledge, experience and love for teaching landed her a spot on Jeopardy! I’m watching the recording now (GO MS. RAAB) and I’ll tell you, it’s kinda surreal to see a person you’ve worked with on a game show, and definitely COOL!


Here’s to Philadelphia School of the Future Educator Ms. Raab, and to all the Educators who compete every day in classrooms around the world. I’ll try and save my excitement for when she wins it all (I hear there’s a wildcard player) but on behalf of your friends at Microsoft Ms. Raab, good luck and you are appreciated!!



  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2011
    Thank you for this awesome blog post!!!! I am proud to represent SOTF, Philadelphia, the Microsoft Partnership, and teachers everywhere!!!!