Here are the results from the Microsoft Security Newsletter Survey

Thanks to those of you who completed August's Security Newsletter Survey and to Phil Cross for sharing the results which are as follows:

Survey: (Aug 08) Security Newsletter Survey
Client: Microsoft UK
Date ranges: All dates ((Aug 08) Security Newsletter Survey)
Available dates: No restriction (all to Sep 17th 2008 10:20)
First collection: Aug 28th 2008 13:48
Last collection: Sep 12th 2008 18:36
Responses collected in period: 76
Average collection rate: 0.2 per hour (5.0 per day)

What size of organisation do you work in?

0 - 4 PCs 25.33%
5 - 24 PCs 10.67%
25 - 49 PCs 4.00%
50 - 249 PCS 14.67%
250 - 500 PCs 9.33%
500 - 1000 PCs 5.33%
1000 + PCs 29.33%
I don't know 1.33%
n = 75

What is your job role?

IT Manager 20.00%
Desktop/End user Support Specialist 6.67%
Infrastructure Specialist 14.67%
Applications/Line-of-Business Specialist 4.00%
IT Generalist 13.33%
Do-It-Yourselfer (IT is not my main role) 16.00%
Other 25.33%
n = 75

If Other: What is your job role?

From Question: If 'Other', please specify:

QA Manager. Software Developer. Developer. Purchasing manager.
Technical Director. Home users desktop pc expert. Csa. Managing Director.
Information Security Manager. Technical Trainer. Planning Manager. Retired.
Retired. Domestic PC. Retired. Retired IT Trainer.
Director. Mgr. IT Consultant.

What is your overall opinion of the Security Newsletter?

Excellent 33.33%
Good 61.33%
Average 5.33%
Poor 0.00%
n = 75

Which statement best describes how often you read the newsletter?

I always read every issue 34.67%
I try and read every issue 46.67%
I read most issues 12.00%
I read some issues 5.33%
I only refer to it sometimes 1.33%
I never read it 0.00%
n = 75

How thoroughly do you read the newsletter?

I read all of it 17.33%
I read most of it 62.67%
I read some of it 17.33%
I don't read very much of it 2.67%
I don't read it 0.00%
n = 75

What do you normally do with your copy of the newsletter after you read it?

Keep it for personal reference 48.00%
Keep it for team reference 8.00%
Delete it 44.00%
n = 75

Do you ever forward the newsletter on to colleagues?

Yes 38.67%
No 61.33%
n = 75

Please rate the following aspects of the security newsletter:

Poor Average Good Excellent I don't know
Topics covered 0.00% 12.16% 58.11% 29.73% 0.00%
Usefulness of information 0.00% 13.51% 45.95% 39.19% 1.35%
Length of newsletter 2.70% 13.51% 56.76% 27.03% 0.00%
The content is relevant to my role 1.33% 24.00% 49.33% 25.33% 0.00%
Overall layout and appearance 5.33% 13.33% 37.33% 44.00% 0.00%
n = 74, 74, 74, 75, 75

Below is a list of the sections in the current newsletter. Please rate the content according to how interesting you found it:

Poor Average Good Excellent I didn't read
Editors Intro 0.00% 12.50% 58.33% 29.17% 0.00%
Ed Gibson articles 0.00% 16.44% 56.16% 21.92% 5.48%
Top Stories 0.00% 17.57% 54.05% 27.03% 1.35%
Security Guidance 0.00% 12.33% 41.10% 45.21% 1.37%
This Months Security Bulletins 0.00% 14.86% 56.76% 25.68% 2.70%
Community/MVP Update 2.78% 33.33% 43.06% 11.11% 9.72%
Product Lifecycle Information 4.17% 30.56% 43.06% 16.67% 5.56%
Security Events and Training 0.00% 27.03% 44.59% 20.27% 8.11%
Upcoming Security Webcasts 1.37% 27.40% 50.68% 12.33% 8.22%
n = 72, 73, 74, 73, 74, 72, 72, 74, 73

Is there any other information you would like to be included in the newsletter?

More technical information. Examples of software based attacks etc.


More on keeping XP safe. I know Vista might have more security features but it will be some time yet before we deploy it widely (too many machines with too low a spec; no need for any of its features; no desire to use its new UI).

Current 'white' papers on security issues, especially cross working with other supplier's kit, i.e. using MS certificates on cisco IOS boxes.

Give summary of particular problems & how it was solved, no need to name persons, but confirm which microsoft products used.

There ought to be some information about the future lifecycle of the window xp for system builder so the other would have known the danger after the suppor lifecycle has ended.

Bite sized articles on best practices for securing elements of the network.

It's a good mix of info, no change spotted.

Current know threats especially thos purporting to be from Microsoft, Window Live, windows XP etc.



Status categories for occupational classifications. As a "Domestic PC" (male, 60) I own and use 3 fairly new Windows desktops inside my home, only one at a time. This cieculates me loosely around the lower reaches of geekdom, without being occupationally a geek.More solo desktop tips!

Info on relevant certification exams on the security front, and coverage of ILM / enterprise single sign-on / SOX compliance etc on a regular basis.




Do you have any other comments about the newsletter?

Facelift wouldn't hurt but the general layout is good.


Ed Gibson's comments about "just get Vista" to be secure are just annoying. I'm sure Vista is more secure than XP but it's simply not appropriate for many users (because their hardware won't run it or specialist software won't work on it).

Thanks - it is a good way to keep up to date....

Keep trying for the top, you will get there.

Still prefer plain text version, so please don't lose it.

Would be great to have more news about future operating system released in the oncoming newsletter.


Doesn't need to be any longer as often the content includes links to further details.

Confusing having menus down the right hand side of the newsletter. Makes it difficult to read.


A little plainer english and less tech would be really good.

Excellent newsletter, always a lot of accurate details.

Yes, I get a bunch of these communications from Microsoft as both a TXT and HTML email, I really only need to receive the HTML version, not the TXT duplicate.


Keep going.

I do not like the blue column on the right of the newsletter. It means that I have to scroll through the newsletter twice, once to read the main text, and again to read the blue column. I prefer the layout of the 'consumer' newsletter and the Windows Mobile 'Total Access' newsletter.

How do you hear about our security notifications (apart from in the newsletter)?(Please tick all that apply)

From Question: How do you hear about our security notifications (apart from in the newsletter)?(Please tick all that apply)

Yes No
E-mail 69.74% 30.26%
RSS 9.21% 90.79%
Windows Live Alert 10.53% 89.47%
Web Site 38.16% 61.84%
n = 76 [each row]

Do you think Microsoft products are more or less secure than our competitors?

More secure 30.14%
As secure 63.01%
Less secure 6.85%
n = 73
