TFS Redmond Product Team to be at the Down Town Seattle User Group April 8th

If you’re living in the greater Seattle area and are curious about any of the new TFS features planned for 2010, come find out! Chuck Sterling just reminded me that John, Ben and Matt will be doing an informal session of info and demos in downtown Seattle this Wednesday.


Seattle Down Town User Group @ Safeco Center
1191 Second Ave (2nd & Seneca)
1st Floor, Alki Room
Seattle, WA 98101

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
5:30 – 6:00 PM – Mixer, group kickoff and speaker introduction
6:00 – 7:30 PM – Presentation
7:30 – 8:00 PM – Spillover time and raffle
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New Features in Visual Studio Team System 2010 Foundation Server (TFS)

One of the nice things about being so close to Redmond is easy access to the development team.  In this case we have having at least three of the Team Foundation Server development team John Nierenberg, Ben Amodio and Matthew Moloney come and show off the next version of Team Foundation in this informal all demo session with the local product team members.

