Unable to configure Logshipping
Problem Description:
You may notice that when you configure logshipping in SQL server 2005 from primary server, it gets configured successfully without any error but no logshipping
job is created on primary server. Also logshipping system tables are not updated on primary server.
However, copy and restore jobs do get created on secondary server and we do not get any errors while configuring.
Cause of the issue in our scenario
Select @@servername returned “Null” on primary server.
We need to make sure that select @@servername returns correct value i.e ‘hostname’ in case of SQL Server default instance and ‘hostname\SQL Instance name’
in case of SQL named instance
• Execute below command :
use master
sp_addserver 'servername', 'local'
You can use the below KB to change the servername.
Restart SQL Server services and reconfigure the log shipping.
Anmol Bhasin
SE, Microsoft SQL server
Reviewed by,
Amit Banerjee
Support Escalation Engineer, Microsoft SQL Server.