Seeking customers for evaluating WCF-based adapters to SAP, Siebel or Oracle DB

Do you have mySAP Business Suite, Siebel or Oracle Database in your organization? Would you be interested in integrating with these systems from within your custom .NET, BizTalk Server and/or Office applications using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service oriented interfaces?

Microsoft is currently developing the following three WCF-based adapters as part of the BizTalk Adapter Pack:

· WCF SAP Adapter*

· WCF Siebel Adapter*

· WCF Oracle Database Adapter*

(*not the official name of the adapter)

The name BizTalk Adapter Pack is a bit of misnomer as the adapters can be used outside of BizTalk Server as well in other .NET applications, such as custom Windows Applications, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 SP1 Business Data Catalog (BDC).

You can attend the following Webcast to learn more about this:

Title: BizTalk Adapter Pack (Siebel, SAP, Oracle DB)

Speaker(s): Tapas Nayak and Mahadevan Venkatachalam

Where: Live Meeting

When: Thursday, May 31, 2007 8:30 - 10:00 AM PST

Audio: +1 (866) 500 6738 or +1 (203) 480-8000 Participant Code: 221223#

The Adapter Pack team is interested in recruiting customers and partners to become part of the Technology Adoption Program (TAP) program for trying one or more of these adapters.

The TAP program requires participating customers to:

1) Provide feedback throughout the planning, implementation, and testing milestones

2) Deploy their solution on this pre-release software into a production environment 6 weeks prior to the product RTM

Download the nomination form here and submit the filled-in form to

Alternatively, contact me and provide the following details which I'll pass over to our TAP program manager:

  1. Your name, email address and phone number
  2. Your company name, company location, your company URL, the number of developers there and your job title there
  3. Your usual contact at Microsoft
  4. The project name, description and expected start and completion dates

Technical Benefits:

· Direct Access to the Product Development Group

· Regular pre-release builds

· Enhanced Technical support

· Assistance in implementing and deploying the adapters

Marketing Benefits:

· Co-marketing opportunities

· Featured case studies on product solutions

Once you are selected for the program, you can download the software bits for evaluation and integration. The software bits also include a pre-release version of WCF LOB Adapter SDK. You can also obtain the form and detailed instructions at Microsoft Connect (note: you may have to register).

The following table shows the SAP, Siebel and Oracle Database versions supported by the adapters.


Supported Server Versions

Supported Client Versions


Client Platform

Microsoft BizTalk Adapter 3.0 for mySAP Business Suite

· SAP R/3 Enterprise 47x110 Non-Unicode Server

· SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7x220 Non-Unicode Server

· SAP R/3 Enterprise 47x110 Unicode Server

· SAP ECC 5.0 Non-Unicode

· SAP 6.0 Unicode

· SAP 6.4

· SAP 7.0

· librfc32u.dll.

· DLLs available from SAP as part of the package, UCLIB.SAR. See SNOTE* 785368 for more information.

· DLLs available from SAP as part of This contains Microsoft runtime DLLs and can be downloaded from the SAP site. See SNOTE* 684106 for more information.

· For SAP 7.0 you must have an additional DLL, Libsapu16vc71.dll. This DLL is available from the UCLIB.SAR package for SAP 6.0.

· Windows XP SP2

· Windows 2003 Server SP1

· Windows Server 2003 R2

· Windows Vista

Microsoft BizTalk Adapter 3.0 for Oracle Database

· Oracle

· Oracle

· Oracle

· Oracle Client version (part of Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) version

· ODP.NET 10.2.020


You must manually add the Oracle.DataAccess.dll (version to the GAC. This DLL will be installed on your computer at <drive>:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\\bin\2.x.

· Windows XP SP2

· Windows 2003 Server SP1

· Windows Server 2003 R2

Microsoft BizTalk Adapter 3.0 for Siebel

· Siebel 7.7 and 7.8

· Siebel Web Client 7.7

· Siebel Web Client 7.8


· Windows XP SP2

· Windows 2003 Server SP1

· Windows Server 2003 R2

