Windows Vista Reliability, Compatibility and Performance Updates Available
Yea, I know, this is somewhat off topic but I thought this would be something you'd appreciate a heads up on:
938979: An update is available that improves the performance and reliability of Windows Vista -;EN-US;938979
938194: An update is available that improves the compatibility and reliability of Windows Vista -;EN-US;938194
I'm not sure when these packages actually showed up externally but based on my personal experience I can give them a hearty thumbs up. In fact if dear old Mom called me up and said "I don't have any problems with Vista so should I install these anyway?" I would tell her "Absolutely!" And you know whose phone would be ringing if there were any issues. Anyway, there are too many updates and fixes to list them all here so you'll have to hit the links to see the details. Oh, and I'll try to keep the off topic stuff to a minimum in the future.
- J.C. Hornbeck
- Anonymous
January 01, 2003
thank you