Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow

Over on the Configuration Manager Writers blog, Doug Eby announced the release of the Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow.  What's a SuperFlow you ask?  Basically it's like a flowchart on steroids.  More SuperFlows will be coming shortly but if you haven't seen one of these before you'll definitely want to check this out.  Doug's original blog post is below ( and it includes a link to the download itself.


Announcing the Release of the Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow!!

I am very excited to announce the release of the Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow!  This is the first publically released SuperFlow and the first one in a set of Configuration Manager SuperFlows that we will be releasing.  You can download the Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow at:

What is a SuperFlow?
The SuperFlow is a new content model that takes a technical flowchart or process workflow to the next level by providing the following:

Interactive Flowchart
The SuperFlow interactive flowchart provides:
•   General and in-depth technical information about each step in the process.
•   Procedures to accomplish relevant tasks, sample status messages, sample log file entries, troubleshooting information, and more!

The SuperFlow animation provides:
•   A visual representation for the steps in the SuperFlow process.
•   A detailed description for each step in the SuperFlow process.

The SuperFlow resources page provides:
• Links to internal resources such as the detailed dataflow for the process, sample log entries for the end-to-end process, verification checklists, etc.
• Links to external Web resources that provide more information about the product and SuperFlow process.

Your feedback makes a difference!
The original SuperFlow prototype was demonstrated at the Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) 2007.  Many of you provided feedback during the session, and as a result, this version has been significantly improved - Thank You!!  We want to continue to improve the SuperFlow model and your feedback continues to be a critical part of the process.  From any section of the SuperFlow, there is a feedback link available and I encourage everyone to use the link and tell us what you think.  And for anyone attending MMS 2008, look for a side session for the SuperFlow.  You can see our next couple SuperFlows, provide feedback on several different areas, and have a brainstorming discussion about how we can take it to the next level.



J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
