SMS 2003 SP3 Sites With SP2 Clients reporting to that site do not display SMS_Processor information
After upgrading your Site to SMS 2003 SP3 but before you upgrade your clients to SP3 you may encounter problems with hardware Inventory actions involving the SMS_Processor class and data. This condition occurs for SP2 clients reporting to an SP3 Site. This is resolved once the clients are upgraded to SP3 and submit hardware inventory.
On the clients you may find the following error sequence in the Inventoryagent.log:
· Collection: Namespace = \\.\root\cimv2\sms; Query = SELECT __CLASS, __PATH, __RELPATH, AddressWidth, BrandID, CPUHash, CPUkey, CurrentClockSpeed, DataWidth, DeviceID, Family, IsMobile, IsMulticore, Manufacturer, MaxClockSpeed, Name, NormSpeed, Pcache, ProcessorId, ProcessorType, Revision, SocketDesignation, Status, SystemName, Version FROM SMS_Processor; Timeout = 600 secs.
· Unknown error encountered processing an instance of class SMS_Processor: 80041017
· Collection: (80041017) Execute: Query failed
The Result of this condition is that Resource Explorer fails to display processor data on the SMS Client machines where Hardware Inventory ran after the SMS site Severs were updated to SP3 but before the SMS client was upgraded to SP3.
This problem occurs because SMS 2003 SP3 has extended the SMS_Processor class, and the SMS_DEF.MOF has been modified to collect the new properties. An SP2 client cannot collect the new properties, but can get the new policy if it reports to an SP3 site. Thus it will report errors for the SMS_Processor class. It cannot collect data for the SMS_Processor class, but it can still collect other hardware inventory data.
January 01, 2003
Today I have three items to bring to your attention which may seem connected yet are distinct issues.Anonymous
January 01, 2003
SMS 2003 SP3 Clients with 100% CPU tied to Hardware Inventory . SMS 2003 SP3 Sites With SP2 Clients reportingAnonymous
January 01, 2003
thank you