OpsMgr 2007: Clustered resources may generate event IDs 1103 and 10720

Here's another common issue we're seeing quite a bit of so if you're seeing these 1103 and 10720 events you'll definitely want to check this out:



When using System Center Operations Manager 2007, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Cluster machines may show as Not Monitored
  • Exchange MP reports may not show data
  • You see multiple warnings in the OpsMgr 2007 Event log similar to the following:

Event Type:         Warning
Event Source:      Health Service Modules
Event Category:    None
Event ID:             10720
Description: The Backwards Compatibility mapper module was not able to start because discovery has not fully completed for this Health Service. This is a transient issue, the affected rule(s) will be unloaded and the Health Service will restart them when initialization is complete.

One or more workflows were affected by this. 

Workflow name: An_error_occurred_while_processing_the_Owning_Folders_table._Database_maintenance_should_correct_the_problem._No_user_action_n
Instance name: Microsoft.Exchange.2007.Microsoft_Exchange_2007_Mailbox_Servers_Installation
Instance ID: {BE9233D8-8BB6-7E6F-78F1-2A0AEACA2612}
Management group: ManagementGroupName

For more information, see Help and Support Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


Event Type:          Warning
Event Source:      HealthService
Event Category:    Health Service
Event ID:              1103
Description: Summary: 1 rule(s)/monitor(s) failed and got unloaded, 1 of them reached the failure limit that prevents automatic reload. Management group "ManagementGroupName". This is summary only event, please see other events with descriptions of unloaded rule(s)/monitor(s).

For more information, see Help and Support Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


Event Type:          Warning
Event Source:       Health Service Modules
Event Category:    None
Event ID:              10720
Description: The Backwards Compatibility mapper module was not able to start because discovery has not fully completed for this Health Service. This is a transient issue, the affected rule(s) will be unloaded and the Health Service will restart them when initialization is complete.

One or more workflows were affected by this. 

Workflow name: Consolidate__An_error_occurred_with_the_following_call_stack._5_Rule
Instance name: Microsoft.Exchange.2007.Microsoft_Exchange_2007_Mailbox_Servers_Installation
Instance ID: {BE9233D8-8BB6-7E6F-78F1-2A0AEACA2612}
Management group: ManagementGroupName

For more information, see Help and Support Center at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


This is caused by the script querying for a machines DNS name from the MT_Computer table when the table is not populated correctly.


To work around this issue do the following:

1. Get a list of machines that are missing the DNSName attribute.  In SQL Query Analyzer run:

     select NetbiosComputerName,DNSName from OperationsManager.dbo.MT_Computer where DNSName is NULL

2. Run the following SQL query to update the values of the DNSName of the cluster based on the NetBIOS Cluster Name, changing the values below to match your names:

     update OperationsManager.dbo.MT_Computer set DNSName = '<MyClusterDNSName>' where NetbiosComputerName='<MyClusterNetBiosName>'

After doing this restart the OpsMgr Health Service agent on the affected machines. After about an hour these symptoms should clear up.

Adrian Doyle | Support Escalation Engineer


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    thank you