Shy Cohen's WebLog

Muses on Distributed Computing, SOA, and other tidbits

I Moved, and So Did My Blog!

Hi All, I have left Microsoft to start my own training and consulting business. My new blog address...

Date: 03/16/2009

Oslo and Models

As you may have already read on Doug's or Don’s blogs, “Oslo” is the codename for...

Date: 09/08/2008

Tips for Public Speaking

Scott Hanselman posted a list of speaker tips for technical presentations. It's a great read, and so...

Date: 05/27/2008

TechEd US in Orlando

If you are going to TechEd in Orlando come check out my S+S talk: A Practical Guide to Doing the...

Date: 05/25/2008

TechEd Israel Videos

The videos of my TechEd Israel talks are online. The Software plus Services talk is here. This is a...

Date: 05/10/2008

TechEd Israel

If you are going to TechEd Israel, make sure to catch the talk that Tim and I are delivering on S+S....

Date: 03/13/2008

Help us prioritize our future investment in Windows Workflow/Rules Designer re-hosting scenarios

The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) team is looking for YOUR input to help us prioritize our...

Date: 03/13/2008

Are you going to TechEd Europe?

If you’re going to TechEd Europe Developers in beautiful Barcelona, come check out my talks in the...

Date: 10/16/2007

Help us prioritize our future investment

The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) team is asking for your assistance in prioritizing our efforts...

Date: 10/16/2007

Ontology and Taxonomy of Services in a Service-Oriented Architecture

A few months ago I published an article titled Ontology and Taxonomy of Services in a...

Date: 08/01/2007

Rory "makes" Doug leak details about some of our future plans

While I was at TechEd, some folks on my team recorded this video for channel 9. Guess what future...

Date: 11/16/2006

Laurence and Craig on Channel 9

My good friends Laurence and Craig recently recorded a Channel 9 video on WCF tracing. Check it out...

Date: 09/19/2006

Web Service Software Factory ARCast

Ron just posted the session Don Smith and I recorded at TechEd US in Boston about the Service...

Date: 07/30/2006

Getting on the SOA Bandwagon

Ron Jacobs just posted the ARCast we recorded at TechEd Israel titled "Getting on the SOA...

Date: 07/24/2006

June CTP breaking changes doc is online

See the Resources page on the WCF community website for details.

Date: 07/07/2006

Familiar faces on the TechEd Europe homepage

I was looking at the TechEd Europe Developers homepage when a picture I saw on the rotating image...

Date: 07/06/2006

.NET Framework 3.0 - June 2006 CTP

Get it while it's hot. Note: This CTP is not compatible with Vista Beta2…it is compatible with the...

Date: 06/23/2006

Adventures on the way BACK from TechEd: The Problem with Falling Doors

The way back was mostly uneventful. Since I did not sleep at all the night before, I was sleepy and...

Date: 06/19/2006

TechEd Boston – Day Five: The End is Here

Today at 9am Don and I repeated the Service Factory chalk talk. Since this was fairly early in the...

Date: 06/18/2006

TechEd Boston - Day Four: Modeling and Sea Levels

Today I had no speaking “duties” (L), which meant that I had more time to talk with folks (J). I...

Date: 06/16/2006

TechEd Boston – Day Three: 2 chalk talks and 2 fun guys

The morning started with a discussion on Reliable Messaging with one of the attendees. Over the last...

Date: 06/16/2006

TechEd Boston – Day Two: A scary tale with a good ending and 2 back-to-back parties

This morning I gave my talk. I was working on the demos and slides until late last night, completely...

Date: 06/14/2006

TechEd Boston - Day One: Familiar faces and cool customer stories

The first "real" day of the conference was great! This morning started out pretty nicely. I am...

Date: 06/12/2006

TechEd Boston - Day Zero

Well, opening on Sunday was an interesting idea. I’m not sure I’m thrilled by it. Since I had a lot...

Date: 06/12/2006

Our new website!!!

As you probably heard by now, WinFX is now .NET Framework 3.0. If you didn’t, check out the...

Date: 06/12/2006

Adventures on the way to TechEd

Boston. The Cradle of Liberty. Home of TechEd 2006. The city that’s far, far away from Redmond J...

Date: 06/11/2006

TechEd 2006 in Boston

Here's the list of my TechEd talks. CON312 (WinFX) Windows Communication Foundation: Building...

Date: 06/08/2006

WCF: it’ll save your day, it’ll save your life

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of things I that I really enjoy (presenting, talking to folks about the...

Date: 04/24/2006

Been busy - check out the slides

I've been busy with a few conferences and other tidbits. Tons of stuff, but no blogging. While...

Date: 04/14/2006

Upcoming Events and Meeting Opportunities

Here are some details about the upcoming public events and activities I have planned for the next...

Date: 02/27/2006

Feb CTP is UP!

The WinFX Runtime Components February CTP has been published. For February, Vista will also be...

Date: 02/22/2006

It’s playtime! The WCF Virtual Labs are now online!

If you haven’t played around with WCF because you didn’t want to install stuff on your machine...

Date: 02/22/2006

Reliable Messaging demystified

Recently I hear many questions about Reliable Messaging in WCF. In fact, I just had an IM chat with...

Date: 02/20/2006

My new job

I’ve recently switched from a Feature PM (a Program Manager responsible for a set of technical...

Date: 02/20/2006

Go-Live License!

Today we announced the availability of a Go Live License for WCF that permits limited deployment of...

Date: 01/18/2006

The November CTP of WinFX is online

Get it while it's fresh :-) WinFX Runtime Components:...

Date: 11/18/2005

PDC demo #2 - Transactions

After a short delay, here’s the second one. This demo illustrated how transaction flowing works in...

Date: 10/17/2005


At the PDC I presented an acronym (BAD P) that can help you folks (and myself ;-) remember the 4...

Date: 09/21/2005

PDC demo #1 - Sessions and Instancing

As promised, here’s the first one. This demo illustrated how sessions work in Indigo … er… Windows...

Date: 09/20/2005

PDC 2005 is over

Wooooo! PDC was awesome! Thanks again for all the folks who attended (and double that to those who...

Date: 09/18/2005

PDC 2005

Indigo is going to have a substential presence in this year's PDC. There are 21 sessions discussing...

Date: 07/14/2005

Indigo Beta 1 RC is out!

The Indigo Beta1 RC (Release Candidate) is now available for download here. The Beta1 drop itself...

Date: 05/23/2005

Scott drinks the TechEd KoolAid

Don't miss this hilarious video of Rory, Dan Fernandez, Becky Dias, Simon Guest, Richard Turner,...

Date: 03/30/2005

Indigo CTP Now Available to General Public!

Get your Avalon and Indigo Community Technology Preview here.

Date: 03/27/2005

We're Out!

Woohoo! The fisrt Community Technical Preview (CTP) of Indigo is now available for download at...

Date: 03/16/2005

Indigo Day sessions available online!

Our friends at Fawcette Technical Publications posted the Indigo Day sessions recorded at VSLive...

Date: 03/13/2005

If you're going to San Francisco

Make sure to stop by VS Live on Feb 8th and say Hi. With Eric, Don, Steve, Doug, Scott, Alex and...

Date: 01/09/2005
