Configuration Manager Central Site Performance Analysis during Jan’2010 Out-of-Band Security Bulletin Release

In January 2010, Microsoft has released critical Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 and we had captured some key performance metrics for Configuration Manager Sites.

The purpose of the Configuration Manager performance analysis to achieve following goal:

  • Identify the site server processing rate during Out-of-Band Security Bulletin release.
  • Enabling Performance Alert through Operations Manager based on the Site Server threshold identified.
  • Baseline the Configuration Manager site performance & processing rate for Out-of-Band Security Bulletin release for future comparison with Out-of-Band Security Bulletin release.

Step done in preparation for Configuration Manager performance data analysis 

  1. Configured the basic operating system, Configuration Manager and Web service performance counter on all site roles in scope of performance analysis.
  2. Created a SQL database for capturing all above performance counter every 15 minutes from all site servers.
  3. Created SQL SRS report for data analysis.
  4. In scope Configuration Manager site servers
    • Microsoft IT Central Site (Overall ~275,000 clients managed)
    • Redmond Campus Primary (~130,000 client reporting)

Disclaimer: Microsoft IT’s System Center Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy has ~130,000 clients assigned at a primary site and 275,000 clients managed in a hierarchy due to unique business requirement. The supported System Center Configuration Manager 2007 limit is 100,000 per primary site and 200,000 per hierarchy without a custom support agreement with Microsoft Corporation. For more details for supported capacity for each site roles please refer Product documentation

Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Release Milestone

  • Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Thursday 1/21/2010.
  • Configuration Manager sync with Windows update was completed on Thursday 1/21/2010 at ~12:00:00 PM PST.
  • Configuration Manager Software deployment package targeted to all Distribution Points (~200 DPs) on Thursday 1/21/2010 at 1:30 PM PST.
  • Configuration Manager Software update deployment package size was 3.20 GB (includes 10 languages).
  • Configuration Manager Software update deployment package enforcement deadline was on Friday 1/22/2010 at 12:00 PM PST.
  • Overall Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Compliance was more than 95% by 1/25/2010.

Configuration Manager Central & Primary Site CPU Utilization during Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Release



Configuration Manager Central & Primary Site Memory Utilization during Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Release



* We have 2 instances for 100% memory utilization on Primary Site but did not found any root cause for this memory spike and it did not occur again.

Configuration Manager Central State Message Files & Records Processing Rate during Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Release

  • State messages are sent by Configuration Manager clients, for updating the important changes of state to the site server such as Software update compliance.
  • Clients consolidate and send their state messages to their site every 2 hrs. (15 minutes is default) if there is change in state as configured in Microsoft IT.





Conclusion: Overall we concluded Microsoft IT’s Configuration Manager utilization based on above performance data as below threshold during Out-of-Band Security Bulletin MS10-002 Release

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights, and is not supported by the authors or Microsoft Corporation. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use


  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2010
    The following post from the "Configuration Manager in Microsoft IT" blog provides an overview

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2010
    In my previous post on ConfigMgr Site Role Hardware used in Microsoft IT , I received a comment for sharing

  • Anonymous
    January 29, 2011
    Hi, I'd like to know how to get those graph generated on my Win 2008 server? Glad if you could share. Thank you.