Ever wondered what our stats are for Product Feedback bugs?

Rusty, our test manager takes care of managing our customer feedback bugs from the MSDN product feedback center. He has a great post here on our stats. He compares the fixes we made for customer bugs vs. internal bugs and its interesting to see those numbers. I personally think we have a low fix rate for suggestions as they tend to be broad scale features that we just cant add on. Given this is the first release we've had this sort of feedback, I'm sure these suggestions will be used in the next product cycle and get fixed then.



  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2005
    Hello!! --I need assistance here, really badly. I am a C++ student, working on a project (A time card), where I keep
    getting a constant error::-C1083, cannot find
    the include file for"---.h"
    Can someone tutor me, (I'll even pay them!!), or where can I buy a better CD, that explains how to fix these
    bugs? ----Geoff Smith, --Montreal, Can.
    "" "" -geoffrion@netscape.ca