My First (half) Week Back at Work is Over. How did it go?

I have to admint that is is somewhat of a dramatic change going back to work after being off for so long. You do get used to living on your own schedule and dealing with every day things at your own pace.

Work-wise, there wasn't that much going on this week for me. My week mostly consisted of catching up on emails, getting the latest code, trying to get builds going and essentially trying to get a feel for what tasks lay ahead for me.

There are two main things which have been hard for me so far this week.

1) Maintaining energy levels. After almost 3 months of sleeping when my body feels like it. I have been having a hard time maintaining a continuous level of energy. This is especially worse after food where I tend to zone out a little and even nodded off a few times. Keeping my meals smaller seems to help. I am sure the medication is not helping with that as it is known to induce some drowsiness.

2) Some lack of confidence from co-workers. It's not a generalized thing but I do feel a certain level of doubt and skepticizm in regards to my ability to get work done now. It may be from people who have not worked with me long enough. But one way or another, it gives me the feeling that I am being watched closely under a microscope in regards to everything I do. To some extent, I can totally understand this from a business point of view. But for me, it makes real hard to find the extra energy and will power to go through the day when there is this lack of confidence looming around me.

Hopefuly things will get better as I get back into the swing of things and as I actually produce real work, this will likely dispell all these doubts that are floating around.
