Has anyone seen my sleep around?

So this is the begining of day 4 on my new medication. Mood wise, pretty good so far. But then again I was un an up-swing when I started taking them so i'll see if the better mood sticks. I am also ramping up my dosage so I will be at full dose in one day.

Side effects aren't too bad except for sleeping problems (as implied by the title of my post). It's not that I don't sleep, my sleep schedule is just ALL OVER THE PLACE. Havn't been really sleeping full naps, mainly my days have been filled with 3-4 hour naps. And there I am at 2am, staring at my computer screen. Hehe. One of the side effects for the meds is drowsiness. However, it seems to be more sporadic than for the few hours after I take them.

I assume this will improve over the next few weeks as my "bain chemistry" adjusts to the medication. Make it real hard to be productive at anything when you're sleeping most of the day. And it's not like my wife is too thrilled about my current sleeping schedule either...

So for now, i'm typing away in my office. Killing some time. Hopefuly can at least fall asleep before the sun gets up...
