General Update, a little bit of everything...

Return to Work

First of all, as I've been going through my mailbox, I have recieved several blog related emails that were posted via my blog. Since these emails were sent to my Microsoft email address, I have not been able to read them until this week. So if you did send me an email over the past ~2 months, expect to get a reply within the next day or so.

Right now, I am getting the latest source and art. There has been alot of changes over the past few months so I need to make sure my machines have the latest code from our source tree. Unfortunately, this process (as well as the build process) takes forever. So I am doing this while I am catching up on some other emails and other tasks.

Book Publishing

What about my book publishing? Well i've gotten a little behind on things. I have 1 book ready for the presses and another one which is almost ready. I still need to do some paperwork and get all my cash together (for printing costs). But my goal this week is to get all this figured out and have an official announcement (along with a press release). I have been witholding information on purpose in regards to this mainly because I wanted to have an official press release out first. So keep an eye out for more details later this week (or this weekend).

At Home

Things are well at home. At least both me and my wife are doing better health-wise. Well besides my finger lump for me and a messed up toe for my wife (no clue how it happened but now she has DA-BOOT). Finally starting to work more around the house. Not too much done but we're at least starting to build todo lists for each room and trying to figure out costs and priorities. Although it isn't a priority, we canted to change the tile in the front part of the house and we've found a great bargain on marble at Home Depot. So now we're considering doing this project first before their inventory runs out.

Side Projects

Still working, when I get some time, on some of my side projects at home. Which includes a new version of EasyBarcode. But the idea came up during my therapy sessions that I should find some projects (or hobbies) that aren't income driven that I could pick up and drop when time allows. So i've been racking my brain to try and think of something which would be fun for me but yet would be different and would not have to be done on a scheduled basis.

One pretty cool idea came to me. As I was lokking through our house for general todo items, I figured the intercom system in the house would need to be replaced at some point. It looks like it was installed when the house was built, meaning it is 20+ years old. So what would be nice it a new system which add special features such as light control, security cameras, ...  Me degree being in computer engineering, I do have some background in electronics. So I think my project will be the creation of a home-brew flexible touchscreen based intercom/automation system for my house :)

Right now, I am mainly looking at various CPU's and DevKits which could be used, looking for the best cost/feature balance for the project. I will post more details on my new home page once I get it finished (later this week)...
