Computerworld survey of language usage

A recent Computerworld article contains some interesting data on language and platform usage.  The lead of the story is "Microsoft's C# beat out Java as the preferred programming language in a recent developer survey conducted by Computerworld. " 

The top 5 languages were:

  • 72% C#   
  • 66% Java   
  • 62% Visual Basic    
  • 54% C++   
  • 50% JavaScript/ECMAScript



  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2005
    That article is slanted. The subtitle is "It beat out Java as the preferred programming language in a survey of developers" but in the survey, the majority of persons that responded were IT Managers, not Developers. The question on the survey was also which language is preferred, but which languages are in use at your organization. The more important question was

    When considering only Java and .Net, would you say your organization is:

    Using mostly Java 37%
    Using both Java and .Net 23%
    Using mostly .Net 26%
    Moving back to Java after trying .Net 1%
    Moving back to .Net after trying Java 1%
    Other 12%