SAP's Enterprise SOA supporting Infopath 2007

Yesterday SAP and Microsoft jointly released a new White Paper describing InfoPath 2007 Forms consuming Enterprise Services from SAP's Enterprise SOA test system.

There's a code snippet included showing some details on the consumed services.
This is an great example of how to use Office 2007 front ending SAP services. Infopath could use Forms Services on Office Sharepoint Server to store the forms online in a library. One could easely (without any client footprint) use a form online, connect with data from an transactional backend system through SAP's Enterprise Services and send it via mail for approval to a co-worker or manager. This also could trigger a workflow in Sharepoint Server or SAP Netweaver.

Thanks Dudu and Anne who made this possible.
For more information on Infopath Forms Services and Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server go to Microsoft Office Homepage.

More information on .NET development with SAP Enterprise Services could be found on:
https:// -> SAP NetWeaver -> Platform and Operations -> .NET Interoperability -> .NET Technologies Forum.

-Tilo Boettcher