Microsoft Online Mobility Instructions
The Microsoft Online Services provides mobility access for several of the Hosted services, including SharePoint Websites and Email/Calendaring access. Below are the steps needed to access these two Services:
Connect Your Mobile Devices to Exchange Online
You can set up your Windows Mobile 6 device to synchronize with your company's Microsoft Exchange Online service. This ensures that you'll be able to send and receive e-mails and keep your calendar current whether you're at work or out of the office.
- If your Windows Mobile 6 device is already set up to sync with another Exchange server, you must delete that e-mail account from your mobile device before your device can sync with Exchange Online.
- Windows Mobile 6 is required.
- Before starting, make sure your cellular service plan supports Windows Mobile.
To set up Windows Mobile 6 to synchronize with Exchange Online
- On the Start menu of your mobile device, click Messaging.
- Select New E-Mail Account.
- Type your e-mail address.
- Clear the Try to get e-mail settings automatically from Internet check box, and then click Next.
- Select Exchange server as Your e-mail provider.
- Click Next until the Edit Server Settings screen appears.
- Enter the server address: .
- Select the This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection check box, and then click Next.
- Enter your Exchange Online e-mail address and password, and then leave the domain field blank.
- Select the data you want to synchronize.
- Click Finish.
- Click Menu, and then click Send/Receive.
- An alert window will appear requesting you to set up passwords and comply with security policy. Click OK.
Connect to Your SharePoint Online Lists & Libraries
The Microsoft SharePoint Online Services natively support Mobile Access by browsing to the following locations in your SharePoint Online Website:
- Browse via your Pocket Internet Explorer application to one of you SharePoint Online website's Mobile URL, such as:
- Enter your Online User Credentials:
- User:
- Password <enter password>
- Once the above has been performed you can Browse the website, Input/Create Calendar items, etc which will be posted to the website for others to view.