Uhh..ohh I didn't tell you about the new stuff on my blog

Finally I thought about adding a few new things on my blog [other then so many useless tags that take away my useful screen asset].

1)  I am not a del.icio.us member, so you can add me in your list. At the right hand side, if you scroll down you will see a favs list. That will always be updated with my new favs. So you always know what I am up to.

2) I am adding one more medium for you to connect with  me.. Meebo. So, whenever you are on my page, you can see if I am online or not. If I am, you can chat with me directly. To be frank.. I don't (read: I can't) promise you that i'll respond. But for sure i'll try my best


del.icio.us tags: Meebo, del.icio.us, Microsoft blogger

Technorati tags: Meebo, del.icio.us, Microsoft blogger
