Praburaj Thiagarajan

Windows Communication Foundation. Check out what's new with WCF 4.5 :

XmlSerializer compat switch

XmlSerializer class in .NET 4.5 uses reflection emit to improve the cold startup time of your...

Date: 12/06/2013

OWIN Startup class not detected

I've seen quite a lot of people running into the issue where their OWIN startup class is not...

Date: 12/02/2013

FileLoadException on Microsoft.Owin when running on worker role

Do you happen to see FileLoadException when you try to run a OWIN application (SignalR or WebAPI) on...

Date: 11/20/2013

NetTcpBinding & mexTcpBinding sharing same port throws AddressAlreadyInUseException on upgrade to .net 4.5?

  Do you notice that your WCF NetTcp endpoint sharing port with a mexTcp endpoint fails to...

Date: 10/16/2012

HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream property throws exception “This method or property is not supported after HttpRequest.GetBufferlessInputStream has been invoked.” or HttpContext.Current.Request.Forms parameters empty

In .net 4.5 WCF leveraged the buffer less input stream for scalability benefits. As a result when...

Date: 09/13/2012

WCF 4.5 transport and XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas values not honored on a machine with .net framework 4.0

In order to simply configuration a number of transport property defaults and...

Date: 09/06/2012

WCF service with aspNetCompabitilityEnabled=”true” fails to activate on a machine with .net framework 4.0 runtime but works fine on .net framework 4.5?

Do you see that a WCF service with aspNetCompabitilityEnabled=”true” works fine on a...

Date: 08/29/2012

Add service reference adding empty reference.cs in MVC 4 projects of VS 2012

In VS 2012 MVC 4 projects, do you find an empty reference.cs file while adding a service reference...

Date: 08/23/2012

Configuration binding extension 'system.serviceModel/bindings/*' could not be found error on upgrade to .Net 4.5 RTM

If you have a WCF service with netHttpBinding/basicHttpsBinding/udpBinding endpoint using the .net...

Date: 08/21/2012