Hello (World)

Welcome, to those that have stumbled across this blog one way or another.

As an associate consultant working for Microsoft Consulting Services, I have the privilege of working with a wide range of technologies and products on a daily basis. That makes it exceptionally difficult to describe what this blog is and what it may be in the future – consider it an evolving concept, one that I have the time and wherewithal to maintain.

Being grateful for the helpful advice I seek and find every day, it only feels right that I try to share some of the tips, tricks and stories that I feel others may find useful. Rarely, if ever, will I consider my ideas to be the “right way” to accomplish a task, but my hope is that they may illuminate your own path.

The opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent Microsoft, and any content posted here comes "AS IS" – no guarantees, no warranties. That said, please enjoy this little corner of the Internet and feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
