nGallery Migration : end of week 1

So I've missed a few updates on my progress on the nGallery migration I've undertaken.  I've found a few bugs in VS, and a few other little issues that I've been working through.  Overall, the progress is moving slower than I had hoped, but I had VERY high expectations. 

The most expensive use of my time so far has been migrating away from the "templates" to use master pages, some standard user controls, and themes.  I've got the default.aspx page modified, and parts of the viewalbum done, but I haven't started on the viewpicture yet.  Thats probably later this week  One of the biggest and most pain in the butt things, was the fact that to generate the main table of pictures, nGallery in code, just generated a table.  I didn't want to use that method, and want to take advantage of as many of the web controls as as I can.  Thus, getting the DataList to show the info properly was a bit of a pain, seeing that I forgot that data binding in a template requires "<%#" and not just "<%".

This morning I made some great progress on the RSS feeds, and the SiteMap.  That took about 1/2 the day, but the results are super cool.  Instead of the old view (Gallery: Pete's Photo Gallery   Parent Album: Atlantis Cruise   Album: Atlantis (2005)) I've not got it set up so that it shows the bread crumb style site navigation that is dynamically generated from the album and photo hierarchy. 

I'm currently re-imaging my machine so I can move to a newer build and install source control so I can check this into source safe.
