Deploying VM in Azure with Powershell Menu Script!

I am currently sitting on an azure course and I don't like using console I have to be honest. So I created this script to be able to deploy a VM in Azure.

Basically you need to set 2 variables which are the workdir and the azuresettings

workdir is just a temp working directory and azuresettings points to your azure settings file.


Btw I assume you have already established connectivity with Certs and Downloaded your settings file :)


The script will walk you through selecting all the different options available and then provision a VM.

Have a go! :) here is the script… again I am just trying to provide a framework… there is many ways to improve this script for your own needs with lots of error checking etc… :)

Usual disclaimers applies :)


Deploys VM's In Azure using a simple menu based system

This will query the options available to your subscription and allow you to select and configure as you need to deploy a VM.
.PARAMETER SettingsFile

.\DeployAzureVM.ps1 -SettingsFile AzureSettings.PublishSettings  

#Validating the file exists before continuing into script
param([ValidateScript({test-path $_})][string]$SettingsFile)
$Erroractionpreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$azuresettings = $settingsfile
#Global Variables
#Please Set This According to your environment
$workdir = "c:\temp"

function GetAzureSubScription()
    #Get Azure Subscription & Set Subscription and storage account
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tAzure Subscription"
    $azuresubs = get-azuresubscription
    foreach ($azsub in $azuresubs)
        write-host $i "`t" $azsub.SubscriptionName "`t" $azsub.SubscriptionId

    $azuresubans = Read-host "Please Enter The Subscription you wish to use"
    $azuresub = $azuresubs[$azuresubans]
    return $azuresub

function GetAzureStorage()
    #Get Azure Storage Account
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tStorage Account"
    $asacts = get-azurestorageaccount
    foreach ($asact in $asacts)
        write-host $i "`t" $asact.StorageAccountName "`t" $asact.Location
    $asactans = Read-host "Please Enter The Storage Account you wish to use"
    $azurestorageacct = $asacts[$asactans]
    return $azurestorageacct


function GetAzureCloudService()
    #Select Cloud Service
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tCloud Service"
    $azureservice = get-azureservice
    foreach($service in $azureservice)
        write-host $i "`t" $service.label "`t" $service.AffinityGroup
    write-host 99 "`t If you want to create a new cloud service please select 99"

    $azureserviceans = read-host "Please Select the Azure Service"

    if ($azureserviceans -eq 99)
        $azureservice = read-host "Please Enter The Name of the New Azure Cloud Service You Want To Create"
        $azureservice = ($azureservice[$azureserviceans]).label
    return $azureservice

function GetFreePort()
    $phemoralportstartrange = 50000
    $phemoralportendrange = 63000
    #Get Free Port for Endpoint
    $portlist = (get-azurevm -ServiceName $azureservice  |get-azureendpoint ).port
        $port = get-random -Maximum $phemoralportendrange -Minimum $phemoralportstartrange
        $portexists = $portlist |where {$_ -eq $port}
    }while ($portexists.count -ne 0)
    return $port

function GetAzureNetConf($workdir)
    #Gets NetworkConfiguration
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tSelect Subnet"
    [xml]$xmldata = (Get-AzureVNetConfig).XMLConfiguration
    $xmldata |Export-Clixml -path ($workdir + "\vnetconf.xml")
    $Subnets = $xmldata.NetworkConfiguration.VirtualNetworkConfiguration.VirtualNetworkSites.VirtualNetworkSite.Subnets.subnet
    $SIte = ($xmldata.NetworkConfiguration.VirtualNetworkConfiguration.VirtualNetworkSites.VirtualNetworkSite).name
    foreach($snet in $subnets)
        write-host $i "`t" $Snet.Name "`t" $Snet.AddressPrefix
    $subnetans = read-host "Please Enter The subnet number you wish to use"
    $subnettouse = ($subnets[$subnetans]).name

    #Gets Affinity Group
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tAffinity Group"
    $ags = get-azureaffinitygroup
    foreach ($ag in $ags)
        write-host $i "`t" $ "`t" $ag.Location
    $agsans = read-host "Please Enter the affinity group you wish to use"
    $affinitygroup = $ags[$agsans]
    return $affinitygroup
function GetImageType()
    #Get Azure VM Image
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `t OS Image"
    write-host "Do you wish to deploy a Windows Image or a Linux Image"
    [array]$imagetype = "Linux"
    $imagetype += "Windows"
    foreach ($imaget in $imagetype)
        write-host $i "`t" $imaget
    $imageosans = read-host "Please Select the windows image type to continue"
    $imageos = $imagetype[$imageosans]
    return $imageos
function GetAzureImages($imageos)
    $Categories = (Get-AzureVMImage |where {$_.OS -eq $imageos} |Group Category).Name
    write-host "Please Choose the category you wish to search within"
    Foreach ($cat in $categories)
        write-host $i "`t" $cat

    $catans = read-host "Select the category"
    $cattosearch = $Categories[$catans]
    $images = Get-AzureVMIMage |where {$_.OS -eq $imageos} |Where {$_.Category -eq $cattosearch}
    foreach ($image in $images)
        write-host $i "`t" $image.Label
    $imageans = read-host "Please Select Your Image"
    $imagetouse = $images[$imageans]
    return $imagetouse

function GetVMSize()
    #Set VM Size
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tVM Size"
    [array]$vmsize = "ExtraSmall"
    $vmsize += "Small"
    $vmsize += "Medium"
    $vmsize += "Large"
    $vmsize += "ExtraLarge"
    $vmsize += "A6"
    $Vmsize += "A7"
    Foreach ($vms in $vmsize)
        write-host $i "`t" $vms
    $vmsizeans = read-host "Choose The VM Size"
    $vmsi = $vmsize[$vmsizeans]
    return $vmsi

function GetVMName()
    write-host "`n`nMenu: `tDeployment Info"
    write-host "You will be asked for the VM name continously until a unique one is found in windows azure"

        $vmname = read-host "Please Enter the VM Name"
    }while ((test-azurename -service $vmname) -eq $true)

    return $vmname

########## MAIN SCRIPT BODY #############################################

#Import Settings File
write-verbose -Message "Importing Azure Settings...."
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $azuresettings
#Get Azure Supscription and Set Active One
$azuresubscription = GetAzureSubScription
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $azuresubscription.SubscriptionName

#Get Azure Storage Accounts and Bind it to the Current Subscription
$azurestoracct = GetAzureStorage
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $azuresubscription.SubscriptionName -CurrentStorageAccount $azurestoracct.StorageAccountName

#Get All Available Cloud Services and Choose
$azureservice = GetAzureCloudService

#Find free phemoral port
$port = GetFreePort
#Find the Correct Afinity Group
$affinitygroup = GetAzureNetConf $workdir
#Find the Location
$location = $affinitygroup.location
#Select The Correct Image Type Windows / Linux to search properly
$imageos = GetImageType

#Select the correct images
$imagetouse = GetAzureImages $imageos
#Select the correct VM Size
$vmsi = GetVMSize

#Get the VMName
$vmname = GetVMName

$vmusername = read-host "Please Enter The Administrator Username (not Admin or Administrator or for Linux not root)"
$vmpassword = read-host "Please Enter the Password you wish to use"
write-host "All Information Gathered..."
write-host "Deploying VM... Please Wait...."

if ($imageos -eq "Linux")
    $epname = $vmname + "ep_SSH"
    $vmconfig = New-AzureVMConfig -ImageName $imagetouse.ImageName -InstanceSize $vmsi -name $vmname

    Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Linux -LinuxUser $vmusername -Password $vmpassword -vm $vmconfig|out-null
    Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $subnettouse -vm $vmconfig |out-null

    Add-AzureEndpoint -Name $epname -Protocol tcp -localport 22 -PublicPort $port -vm $vmconfig|out-null

    New-AzureVM -ServiceName $azureservice -vms $vmconfig -VNetName $site
    $epname = $vmname + "ep_RDP"

    $vmconfig = New-AzureVMConfig -ImageName $imagetouse.ImageName -InstanceSize $vmsi -name $vmname

    Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -AdminUsername $vmusername -Password $vmpassword -vm $vmconfig |out-null

    Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $subnettouse -vm $vmconfig |out-null

    Add-AzureEndpoint -Name $epname -Protocol tcp -localport 3389 -PublicPort $port -vm $vmconfig |out-null
    New-AzureVM -servicename $azureservice -vms $vmconfig -VNetName $site

if ($error -ne $null)
    write-host "There where errors! They Might Be Nothing but you have to check :)" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black
    write-host "The Last Error recorded is `n" $error[0]
write-host "Done!"


  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2013
    In a previous post I gave some steps to troubleshoot connecting to your Azure VM via Powershell. You