Declaração de Brad Smith sobre a decisão sobre o caso EU/Microsoft

Foi hoje conehcida a decisão do Tribunal de Primeira Instância do Luxemburgo sobre o apelo da Microsoft no caso da Comissão Europeia. Vejam aqui as declarações do Conselheiro Geral, Brad Smith. Link

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Destaco as seguintes passagens:

"Everyone agrees, for example, that the version of Windows that we offer in Europe today is in compliance with the Commission's 2004 decision, and I'm also gratified that we were able to have the kinds of constructive discussions with the European Commission last year that enabled us to bring to market Windows Vista in conformity with the Commission's 2004 decision. "

" We've sought to be open and transparent, and we've sought to strengthen our ties with the rest of our industry. Indeed, it's notable that just last week we announced a new agreement with Sun Microsystems, and the week before that we announced a new agreement with Novell, two of the companies that started out on the other side of this case almost nine years ago. "