The Windows 8.1 Deployment Kit is here!

We are very excited to announce that the Windows 8.1 Deployment Kit will this week be arriving on the desks of all NZ State and Integrated Schools, with rolls of less than 700 students.

What’s in the kit?

The deployment kit contains a ready-made ‘image’ of the latest Microsoft computer operating system and Of?ce productivity tools, as well as a ‘plain English’ installation guide. This disk allows your school to deploy Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Of?ce 2013 across all your school-owned computers when you are ready. You will ?nd all the documentation necessary to complete a full deployment of the latest Windows and Microsoft Of?ce desktop.

What’s in the kit?

  • Windows 8.1 image, including:  - Of?ce 2013 Professional Plus - Internet Explorer 11
  • Guidance on implementing an automated image deployment process using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013
  • How to video’s
  • Microsoft Schools Deployment Kit terms of use.

 What should you do now?

  1. Pass the disk onto the relevant IT staff in the school, or to the school’s technology provider/partner.
  2. If you don’t have a partner, email and we can direct you to a partner.
  3. Don’t forget:


  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2014
    Today is April 8th 2014. This is the date that Microsoft has ended support for Windows XP.
    What does
  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2015 is rejecting emails from the schools.
    Please investigate and update me.
    James Rodrigues
    Ministry of Education ICT Helpdesk for Schools

    Ph: (0800) 22 55 42 - option 5, +64 9 356 3167