Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


On Aug 11th, Microsoft announced the release to manufacturing (RTM) of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1. The two service packs make it even easier to develop applications for the latest platforms, with new features such as the .NET Framework Client Profile for faster deployment of Windows applications, multiple enhancements to ASP.NET, and unparalleled support for database application development through the ADO.NET Entity Framework, ADO.NET Data Services and integration with SQL Server 2008.


.NET 3.5 SP1

· .NET Framework Client Profile

o Fastest and easiest way to deploy Windows applications

o 86.5% reduction (197MB to 26.5MB) in .NET Framework size to ease client application deployment

· Improves application startup time by 20-45%

· Improves end-to-end application execution time up to 10%

· Support for ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) security feature in Windows Vista

· Support for SQL Server 2008

· ADO.NET Entity Framework

· ADO.NET Data Services

· ASP.NET Dynamic Data

· ASP.NET Routing Engine


VS 2008 SP1

· Integration with .NET Framework’s Client Profile feature

· Data designers, projects and wizards for SQL Server 2008

· Designer for ADO.NET Entity framework

· IntelliSense for JavaScript

· New WPF, Windows Forms and Web controls


More information can be found at 


Scott Hanselman has posted a great related post... Check it out here


Another great post on similar lines can be seen here..
