Long Live Right Click Tools – System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Console Extensions

Admittedly I do not use custom console extensions very often, however I know that these right click tools are quite popular; from time to time I will encounter a customer situation in which creating a custom console extension makes sense. With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager we have a new console, a ribbon, and basically a new platform. How do custom console extensions play out with the new system? In this System Center PFE Blog posting I will discuss the internals of Configuration Manager 2012 console extensions, and also walk through the creation of a practical ‘right click’ extension for the 2012 console.

The text of this blog is a result of my own exploration with console extensions in a pre-release version of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. As Configuration Manager is at pre-release, this information may change. At some point in the future there should be a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SDK release which will discuss console extensions in more detail. Please refer to this publication (once available) as development documentation. My goal here is to simply show the possibilities through example and raise awareness towards these extensions.

Goals for this blog:

  • Discuss the 2012 Configuration Manager Console Extension Internals.
  • Create a custom extension that will ping all machines in a selected collection, and write the result to and Excel spread sheet.


Console Extension Internals:

When considering console extensions for Configuration Manager (2007 or 2012) there are several components to consider

  • Console Extension Type – many different types of extensions are documented (or will be documented) in the Configuration Manager SDK. These types include Actions, Forms, Views, Nodes, and Management Classes. In this Blog post we will be focusing only on the Actions type.
  • Console Component GUID – this GUID corresponds to the console component on which you would like to add the custom Action.
  • Extension Folder – Each custom extension will be created and placed in a specific location for console consumption. This location will vary depending on why type of console extension is being created and what platform it is being created for (2007 or 2012).
  • XML File – each console extension is made up of a custom XML file.
  • Action Executable – typically each Console Action extension will have an executable (script or otherwise) that will be called from the XML file.

With each of these components defined, let’s take a closer look at how to work with each specific component.

Console Component GUID :

Before we can determine the location in which to place our custom extension XML file, we will need to find the GUID corresponding to the console component on which we would like our custom action to be added. In other words if we want to add our action (right click tool) to the Software Library / Software Update section of the console, we need to determine the specific GUID for the this location. Likewise if we would like our action (right click tool) to surface on a collection under the Assets and Compliance node of the 2012 Configuration Manager console we would need to know the corresponding GUID. In order to identify these GUID’s we must traverse existing root console XML files and manually (or using a script) locate these GUIDS.

If you have done this with 2007 you will recall the root console file as AdminConsole.XML. With 2012 there are multiple files corresponding to the multiple Configuration Manager nodes. For instance if you have an action that is to be placed on the Overview node under Administration, you would be searching SiteConfigurationNode.XML. For the exercise detailed in this blog (ping all machines in a collection) we will be adding an extension to device collections underneath the Assets and compliance node. For this we will be searching the AssetManagementNode.xml file.

When examining the root console XML files for specific GUIDS, search for NamespaceGuid=<GUID> followed by Id=<Node Description>. The Id will give you a good idea of which console component the GUID belongs too. Note that most console components will have child components; these will not have an ID, rather a Type=’WQL’. I have found that is pretty easy to walk the XML matching up GUIDs to console components as I go. A little bit of trial and error helps as well. So for example if we open up AssettManagementNode.XML and search for ‘NamespaceGuid=’, the second item (after the root) we will come to is ‘NamespaceGuid="f10d0965-4b26-4e37-aab5-5400fbbc8eaa" Id="AssetManagementNodeOverview” ’. This is the GUID associated with the root of Assets and Compliance or ‘Overview’ as it is displayed in the 2012 Configuration Manager Release Candidate console. Walking to the next ‘NamespaceGuid=’ we come up with ‘NamespaceGuid="80ea5cfa-5d28-47aa-a134-f455e2df2cd1" Id="Users" ’. One more and we come up with ‘NamespaceGuid="baaa6910-892f-4d20-9082-b392e5a28a53" Type="WQL" ’. We can assume that this is the GUID associated with the user objects.

For this exercise we want to right click on a device collection and ping all machines found in that collection. For this purpose we will use GUID a92615d6-9df3-49ba-a8c9-6ecb0e8b956b.

XML File Location

With the console component GUID determined, we can create our XML landing spot or destination folder. With 2012 Configuration Manager the XML file location will be %Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions\<GUID>”. Replace <GUID> with the appropriate GUID. This folder will need to be created. In some cases you may need to create the “\Extensions\Actions\<GUID>” folders as well.

 XML File:

Here is sample XML for both 2007 and 2012. Notice that the 2012 XML has slightly changed due to the introduction of the ribbon. The new addition of the ‘ShowOn’ tag allows us to control wither or not the extensions is show on the ribbon, right click menu, or both. During this blog I will only be discussing right click menus and will not address adding actions to the ribbon. These two sample XML have been taken from the 2007 SDK and the 2012 beta SDK.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 –

System Center Configuration Manager 2007

  1. <ActionDescription Class="Executable" DisplayName="Make a Note" MnemonicDisplayName="Note" Description = "Make a note about software updates">
  2.   <Executable>
  3.     <FilePath>Notepad.exe</FilePath>
  4.     <Parameters>C:\MyConfigurationManagerNote.txt</Parameters>
  5.   </Executable>
  6. </ActionDescription>

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager -

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager

  1. <ActionDescription Class="Executable" DisplayName="Make a Note" MnemonicDisplayName="Note" Description = "Make a note about software updates">
  2.   <ShowOn>
  3.     <string>DefaultContextualTab</string>
  4.     <!—RIBBON -->
  5.     <string>ContextMenu</string>
  6.     <!—Context Menu -->
  7.   </ShowOn>
  8.   <Executable>
  9.     <FilePath>Notepad.exe</FilePath>
  10.     <Parameters>C:\MyConfigurationManagerNote.txt</Parameters>
  11.   </Executable>
  12. </ActionDescription>


PFE Ping Demo Extension XML

Here is the XML that will make up the ping console extension. Notice here that unlike the previous SDK samples, the ShowOn tag only includes <string>ContextMenu</string>. This is because for this example I only want the extension to be accessible from the context menu and not the ribbon.Take note of the FilePath tag, this will specify the location of the ping script. Also note the parameter tag. The ##SUB:CollectionID## will make the collection ID accessible as an argument for our ping script.


  1. <ActionDescription Class="Group" DisplayName="PFE Ping Demo" MnemonicDisplayName="PFE Ping Demo" Description="PFE Ping Demo" SqmDataPoint="53">
  3.   <ShowOn>
  4.     <string>ContextMenu</string>
  5.   </ShowOn>
  7.   <ActionGroups>
  8.     <ActionDescription Class="Executable" DisplayName="Ping Computers" MnemonicDisplayName="Ping Computers" Description="Ping Computers">
  10.       <ShowOn>
  11.         <string>ContextMenu</string>
  12.       </ShowOn>
  15.       <Executable>
  16.         <FilePath>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions\a92615d6-9df3-49ba-a8c9-6ecb0e8b956b\PFEPing.vbs"</FilePath>
  17.         <Parameters>##SUB:CollectionID##</Parameters>
  18.       </Executable>
  19.     </ActionDescription>
  21.   </ActionGroups>
  22. </ActionDescription>

Action Executable:

Here is the VBScript that the console extension will execute. Using this script as is, you will need to specify your site server and site code around line 22 of this script.


  1. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  2. Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  3. objExcel.Visible = True
  4. objExcel.Workbooks.Add
  5. intRow = 2
  8. objExcel.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Machine Name"
  9. objExcel.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Results"
  12. Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
  14. IF (objArgs.count > 0) then
  15.       MyPos = InStr(objArgs(0), ":")
  16.     COLLID = wscript.arguments.item(0)    
  17. END IF
  19. Set SWbemLocator=CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
  20. set SWbemServices = SWbemLocator.ConnectServer(" <Site Server> ","root\SMS\site_ <Site Code> ")
  22. strQuery = "select * from SMS_CM_RES_COLL_" & COLLID
  23. Set Computers= SWbemServices.ExecQuery(strQuery)
  25. for each Computer in Computers
  27.     Ping = WshShell.Run("ping -n 1 " & Computer.Name, 0, True)
  28.     objExcel.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = UCase(Computer.Name)
  30.     Select Case Ping
  31.     Case 0 objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = "On Line"
  32.     Case 1 objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = "Off Line"
  33.     End Select
  35.     If objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = "Off Line" Then
  36.     objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
  37.     Else
  38.     objExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
  39.     End If
  41. intRow = intRow + 1
  43. Next
  46. objExcel.Range("A1:B1").Select
  47. objExcel.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
  48. objExcel.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 11
  49. objExcel.Selection.Font.Bold = True
  50. objExcel.Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit

 Putting it all Together:

To create the console extension follows these steps.

  1. Create the following folder - %Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\XmlStorage\Extensions\Actions\a92615d6-9df3-49ba-a8c9-6ecb0e8b956b .
  2. Create an XML file (of any name) containing the XML from the above PFEPing.XML. Place this in the newly created folder. You may want to change the Display Name, Mnemonic Display Name and Description to something more appropriate for your environment.
  3. Create a .VBS file using the PFEPing.vbs code from above. Replace <Site Server> with the FQDN of your site server and <Site Code> with your three character site code. Place the script inside of the folder created in step 1.
  4. If your console is open, close it out and open it back up.
  5. Right click on any collection and execute the extension.


Troubleshooting and Caution:

To trouble shoot console extension issues see the SMSAdminUI.log.

I would discourage the creation of any extensions directly on a site server, rather install the Configuration Manager console on another machine and create them there.

Video Demonstration:



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    aonym - sorry I think what you are referring to is the fact that collections do not nest in 2012, hence they are not organized in a 'tree' like structure. There is nothing I can do to change this, but consider your concern noted. Thanks for the comment.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Norman - sorry for the long delay in response. If I understand your questions correctly you are asking about buttons on the ribbion? Yes these can be coded into the console extension. At the time I published this blog the Configuration Manager SDK had not yet been released, and I did not have access to this information, hence the absence from this blog. Check out the SDK - should get you started.

  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2012
    Neil, thanks for this!!  I just migrated our customer demo environment to ConfigMgr 2012 and used your post as a guide to migrate all of our right click console extensions.   Keep the great posts coming! Regards, Jim Jankowski Group Manager & Principal Consultant | Secure Infrastructure Management (p) 216.785.2293 | (c) 330.321.4370 | (f) 216.674.2708 | (e)  jimjan@css-security.com

Certified Security Solutions, Inc. | Managing Security as a Dimension of Quality. | www.css-security.com
* **Anonymous**  
June 06, 2012  
Nice, but is it possible to install icons in the customs right click tools?
can I create own dll and &nbsp;update into the console?
* **Anonymous**  
March 07, 2013  
Thx for the post. Just a thought, in SCCM07 when you selected the collections everything get expanded. In this new version its not expanded if you select Device Collections but! when some of the collection is selected then it get shown under Devices and from this time you have it there and you can pack, unpack the view. It will be very nice to have it expanded under Collection node :)
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
f10d0965-4b26-4e37-aab5-5400fbbc8eaa  Overview
80ea5cfa-5d28-47aa-a134-f455e2df2cd1  Users
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221219d3-b871-48e8-b85a-ee06bfec7740  Devices
3785759b-db2c-414e-a540-e879497c6f97  Devices  Computer Collection
076e1d50-bb5d-4129-a606-0a6ef8ef21b6  Devices  Monitor Generated List for a Deployment
0eb25366-3f67-4c5f-8246-76223bdfcd89  Devices  Monitor Generated List for Client Settings
e6c324d4-05bd-4b2f-884d-60af7a1b23f9  User Collections
34446c89-5a0d-4287-88e5-9c87d832a946  User Collections  User Collection
6d357b6b-96b3-45f4-ba09-b74e8ce5a509  Device Collections
3785759b-db2c-414e-a540-e879497c6f97  Device Collections  Computer Collection
ca5da0b5-d09c-48cf-b5d8-14be1e230030  User State Migration
a8b0a25e-eedc-4db5-8fc2-3877cef34a9a  User State Migration  Listed Items
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92ec88fa-d3d8-49db-99b2-f5836e80057a  Asset Intelligence  Catalog
6cea0eda-7596-4703-9941-a9733754892a  Asset Intelligence  Catalog  Listed Item
eeaba444-6291-4800-a301-1c287fbcea45  Asset Intelligence  Inventoried Software
fcca1ed6-d078-4021-9b5c-115107aede0c  Asset Intelligence  Hardware Requirements
e688452c-4542-4cbf-93a8-c3b61b4082d1  Asset Intelligence  Hardware Requirements  Listed Items
5cff5f12-ed8c-11d4-b514-00104bcc3676  Software Metering
c789a078-ef12-4263-b7b2-5bfaf9f83314  Software Metering  Listed Items
0e12de3b-361a-49b1-8c83-b05d7c11c392  Compliance Settings
521e2ba1-c197-46fe-94a1-932e81629b1c  Compliance Settings  Configuration Items
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4233000f-4042-4d42-ad13-3abfa8129ea5  Compliance Settings  Configuration Baselines
69353497-13d4-407d-9102-a79827dbf2d3  Compliance Settings  Configuration Baselines  Listed Items
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b02766c0-c808-495e-b17b-6a40ecc24272  Compliance Settings  User Data and Profiles  Listed Items
885e32a6-89e5-4030-839c-f81f1e8e6de9  Endpoint Protection
e84af552-7dc7-40f6-a27f-c3494ae4b408  Endpoint Protection  Antimalware Policies
175e905a-121a-4a78-a1d9-3722d6706426  Endpoint Protection  Antimalware Policies  Listed Items
27fd844a-f10d-4f21-b36b-2f4a746150c0  Endpoint Protection  Windows Firewall Policies
c324250c-5a75-4759-a15d-47ca4301909f  Endpoint Protection  Windows Firewall Policies  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
018b767a-5a2c-4448-b233-587fceed7c94  Overview
5de38740-5e68-44c2-97b2-7850bf3ff5b9  Application Management
d2e2cba7-98f5-4d3b-bc2f-b670f0621207  Application Management  Applications
968164ab-af86-459c-b89e-d3a49c05d367  Application Management  Applications  Listed Items
3ad39fd0-efd6-11d0-bdcf-00a0c909fdd7  Application Management  Packages
9c69b0aa-a27c-43c9-8c26-5f964106a881  Application Management  Packages  Listed Items
ee82870e-c537-4c2f-880f-ec4e44bf3653  Application Management  Approval Requests
c5f13bb3-fe42-43e6-b6ee-89acec49c768  Application Management  Approval Requests  Listed Items
04ca3400-6b8a-4f0d-a911-379aee056a05  Application Management  Global Conditions
e4c6299b-da03-4145-b13c-033d5aa07401  Application Management  Global Conditions  Listed Items
a8186d09-9bc5-4be6-91d9-c09757e60273  Application Management  App-V Virtual Environments
########-####-####-####-############  Application Management  App-V Virtual Environments  Listed Items
5a9ab259-9058-4415-bc97-5e174f0b9a04  Application Management  Windows RT Sideloading Keys
e1d5f8a9-f32b-475e-93cf-df996b160e6b  Application Management  Windows RT Sideloading Keys  Listed Items
f5445252-da1d-450f-a772-7c3d3cb929fb  Software Updates
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########-####-####-####-############  Software Updates  All Software Updates  Listed Items
84703961-b1a7-4185-bc9c-d1a428050a46  Software Updates  All Software Updates
########-####-####-####-############  Software Updates  All Software Updates  Listed Items
49d3a24f-5fe5-46f1-92c9-996cb804607b  Software Updates  Deployment Packages
606d3a81-6817-423c-bbe0-0c5c3e79c4ec  Software Updates  Deployment Packages  Listed Items
41d1e831-08c5-4a86-bc9c-faf9f1de4cdd  Software Updates  Automatic Deployment Rules
7f121b84-b5bb-4cf8-80fa-717258712dc8  Software Updates  Automatic Deployment Rules  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
7c92b8b8-5e97-4700-b0d5-1aea21ba5b52  Operating Systems
60b963f3-79c5-4930-b07f-12a3054aa5cf  Operating Systems  Drivers
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ec2c5a2c-3daf-467a-ad98-b3fefb42a079  Operating Systems  Drivers  Driver Package
3ff53bfe-628c-45b6-9f83-85cf14fc7cfb  Operating Systems  Drivers  Driver Package  Listed Items
0ae7814c-1256-4358-b5a6-710f64ba2188  Operating Systems  Driver Packages
4b05362e-3ea4-4931-aa2d-3d889b1d75e4  Operating Systems  Driver Packages  Listed Items
ac16f420-2d72-4056-a8f6-aef90e66a10c  Operating Systems  Operating System Images
828a154e-4c7d-4d7f-ba6c-268443cdb4e8  Operating Systems  Operating System Images  Listed Items
2dc0d87f-6c1d-49a7-ac06-e7d51823eebd  Operating Systems  Operating System Installers
7d0f75ec-3502-4b9d-b3ce-7b18b29942e8  Operating Systems  Operating System Installers  Listed Items
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7a5f089c-ea90-4da2-aee9-d6d2673a861f  Operating Systems  Boot Images  Listed Items
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f2c07bfb-d83d-4e0b-969b-5da6321c28c2  Operating Systems  Task Sequences  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
The comment has been removed  
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
01d5609d-b0d4-42ea-a7eb-8c74f9825c92  Deployments
d1621955-48ad-4bba-9c85-95f74c0c6538  Deployments  Listed Items - Application / Program
e6a632fa-a43f-432f-b081-8fb0b7065f37  Deployments  Listed Items - Baseline
93218e21-485a-4e2b-9f23-77c76145e214  Deployments  Listed Items - Task Sequence
########-####-####-####-############  Deployments  Listed Items - Others??
20313308-298b-4c29-9830-292c57dc83d3  Deployments  Deployment - Application
4f89279a-6f64-467a-8e04-f35cda1f50a4  Deployments  Deployment - Program
6dfd9979-23e9-4e7d-a377-cd3df33eff07  Deployments  Deployment - Baseline
f4739863-3c18-42c0-84cc-f214fe1be509  Deployments  Deployment - Task Sequence
########-####-####-####-############  Deployments  Deployment - Others??
e1c46d1b-faa2-43ea-aef7-7ecf62fe1fd9  Client Operations
########-####-####-####-############  Client Operations  Listed Items
ec1eb040-7957-45c3-aad0-a0ef9afba98a  Client Status
e0e7e3b9-d189-4b69-a4d4-c5cbe3128353  Client Status  Client Activity
765b9681-8d87-4ec3-9025-25c49cb4b5ef  Client Status  Client Check
365d53b0-8f21-4ee3-8091-3514321b247d  Database Replication
########-####-####-####-############  Database Replication  Listed Items
5d0025a7-e114-4376-9330-1ae0a4e35530  Distribution Status
f5eb6c20-3c21-4f9d-aeed-d54d39530ff9  Distribution Status  Content Status
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d8718784-99d5-4449-bc28-a26631fafc07  Distribution Status  Distribution Point Configuration Status  Listed Items
1cb20731-3fd0-4323-8523-59d89231b6f6  Software Update point Synchronization Status
f072758d-b0b9-455d-8694-64b42debb256  Endpoint Protection Status
e25f14dc-82e9-41d1-b060-fecde360818f  Endpoint Protection Status  System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection Status
d11a616a-c5a7-463d-bc69-479de376a54c  Endpoint Protection Status  Malware Detected
########-####-####-####-############  Endpoint Protection Status  Malware Detected  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
406eb547-0228-493e-9fe5-15d58bdcb2dc  Overview
01ddbda2-a579-4b6f-9fa2-e497e34e2496  Hierarchy Configuration 
6b6d7dcb-5985-41dc-9566-c81557b35359  Hierarchy Configuration  Windows Intune Subscriptions
########-####-####-####-############  Hierarchy Configuration  Windows Intune Subscriptions  Listed Items
69eb4eae-1aae-45ed-bacc-36cde2b4db3f  Hierarchy Configuration  Discovery Methods
5dd919f0-9888-497c-aedb-c9eee690f8f9  Hierarchy Configuration  Discovery Methods  Listed Items
c314a563-8796-475e-98a6-b5278bbd1b54  Hierarchy Configuration  Boundaries
d5c9c2ba-086d-42c7-b220-8f3c557a7ab3  Hierarchy Configuration  Boundaries  Listed Items
c430620e-f898-46fc-9b42-2780fd72b538  Hierarchy Configuration  Boundary Groups
cd80aa2c-a10b-4ddb-bc57-3722ff7788c5  Hierarchy Configuration  Boundary Groups  Listed Items
e1cadd8f-1ccf-4b64-b457-4701055f0cf3  Hierarchy Configuration  Exchange Server Connectors
########-####-####-####-############  Hierarchy Configuration  Exchange Server Connectors  Listed Items
fe1fdaae-ad1f-47aa-84a8-b24f6623fc9c  Hierarchy Configuration  Database Replication
########-####-####-####-############  Hierarchy Configuration  Database Replication  Listed Items
abeca3cf-fa54-4f07-b288-315620875273  Hierarchy Configuration  File Replication
########-####-####-####-############  Hierarchy Configuration  File Replication  Listed Items
da783957-b562-4b3e-a439-3d283af57f37  Hierarchy Configuration  Active Directory Forest
8f133717-2185-4a51-b2fe-8cbe342c2841  Hierarchy Configuration  Active Directory Forest  Listed Items
701175f0-9579-4377-b933-ec555a1c614d  Hierarchy Configuration  Cloud
########-####-####-####-############  Hierarchy Configuration  Cloud  Listed Items
d61498cb-7b3f-4748-ae3e-026674fb0cbd  Site Configuration
3b3489a9-2ac1-4feb-bd85-f46e73c4a68a  Site Configuration  Sites
a7e0a875-3429-430a-aadf-1300610d09c4  Site Configuration  Sites  Listed Items
a4ac0933-4a8a-4983-ad6d-d282c38c16d3  Site Configuration  Servers and Site System Roles
e63e6977-fe60-4db5-9f20-bd7f3069d74a  Site Configuration  Servers and Site System Roles  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
886b260e-a562-4233-8cba-ddbabe230a14  Client Settings
ac5cbf00-ea7e-4a69-b378-a20310b88583  Client Settings  Listed Items - Default
160637c3-955f-4643-a8e7-0e75ed4e7c6f  Client Settings  Listed Items
9f25f9a6-5ea2-48cf-b68f-8cf5ca76b2bc  Security
7027171e-6952-486f-8620-a9df8fde4057  Security  Administrative Users
9bc0969e-8f55-4e4b-89a9-6f92bab96882  Security  Administrative Users  Listed Items
d5bd83f0-d0f4-479d-a99c-a8d4d32150f3  Security  Security Roles
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########-####-####-####-############  Migration  Distribution Point Migration  Listed Items
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
&lt;ActionDescription Class=&quot;Group&quot; DisplayName=&quot;## Menu Name ##&quot; MnemonicDisplayName=&quot;## Menu Name ##&quot; Description=&quot;## Menu Name ##&quot;&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;DefaultContextualTab&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;ContextMenu&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;ActionDescription Class=&quot;Executable&quot; DisplayName=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot; MnemonicDisplayName=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot; Description=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot;&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;ShowOn&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;DefaultContextualTab&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;ContextMenu&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;/ShowOn&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;Executable&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;FilePath&gt;&quot;cmd.exe&quot;&lt;/FilePath&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;Parameters&gt;cmd.exe /k echo &quot;##SUB:PARAMETERCODE##&quot;&lt;/Parameters&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;/Executable&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;/ActionDescription&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;ActionDescription Class=&quot;Report&quot; DisplayName=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot; MnemonicDisplayName=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot; Description=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot;&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;ShowOn&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;DefaultContextualTab&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;ContextMenu&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;/ShowOn&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;ReportDescription ReportName=&quot;## Report GUID ##&quot;&gt;&lt;/ReportDescription&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;/ActionDescription&gt;
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
&lt;ActionDescription Class=&quot;Executable&quot; DisplayName=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot; MnemonicDisplayName=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot; Description=&quot;## Menu Item Name ##&quot;&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;DefaultContextualTab&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;ContextMenu&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;FilePath&gt;&quot;cmd.exe&quot;&lt;/FilePath&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;Parameters&gt;cmd.exe /k echo &quot;##SUB:PARAMETERCODE##&quot;&lt;/Parameters&gt;
* **Anonymous**  
June 09, 2013  
&lt;ActionDescription Class=&quot;Report&quot; DisplayName=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot; MnemonicDisplayName=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot; Description=&quot;## Report Name ##&quot;&gt;
 &nbsp;&lt;ShowOn&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;DefaultContextualTab&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp; &nbsp;&lt;string&gt;ContextMenu&lt;/string&gt;
 &nbsp;&lt;/ShowOn&gt; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
 &nbsp;&lt;ReportDescription ReportName=&quot;## Report GUID ##&quot;&gt;&lt;/ReportDescription&gt;