untangling technology

Over the weekend, the Fresh Starts column in the New York Times featured usability professionals. It's an okay read, and I suppose it's not entirely bad if you're completely unfamiliar with the profession. The information in it is a bit outdated. As Dan Saffer of Adaptive Path said in their blog, the article reads as if it were written in 1997 instead of 2007. I'm amused that they somehow thought that interviewing an IT recruiter would be appropriate for this type of article. I'm surprised that they mention UPA and STC but not SIGCHI. But if I'm going to start quibbling over the article, that's really not where I'm going to start -- and if I start, I won't finish, so I'll spare you the whinging.

I guess I'd give this article to my mom, since she's very non-techy and says that she doesn't know what I do. But if the new big boss came into my office waving it and saying that he now understands UX, I might just hide under my desk and sob inconsolably.