OOPSLA call for posters, demos, and other late content
What's oopsla up to?
The leading forum for innovative and thought-provoking ideas in object-oriented programming for 21 years, oopsla is taking on today's software challenges, attracting people interested in:
- programmer productivity
- secure and reliable software
- changing hardware platforms
- ultra-large scale systems
oopsla is the premier conference for publishing state of the art research, for seeking comment on works in progress, for sharing practical experiences, and (frequently, we're proud to say) for presenting Turing Award lectures on significant works. It is where industry experts and their academic peers gather to
- improve programming languages
- refine the practice of software development
- explore new paradigms
Through collaboration, diversity, and incubation we are overcoming the challenges facing the software industry.
The conference isn't until October, what's happening now?
Right now we're looking for submissions for:
- Posters
- Demonstrations
- Doctoral Symposium
- Onward! Tools and Films
- Student Research Competition
- Student Volunteers
Visit the OOPSLA submissions site to see how you can contribute.
Furthermore, the accepted workshops are looking for submissions. You can view the list of accepted workshops. Submissions to workshops should be to the workshop organizer as detailed on the workshop's webpage.
All year long the conference committee works hard to organize the program. People like you — developers, researchers, industry experts, and academics from around the world — contribute most of the content. Contributing provides tremendous satisfaction and pride in sharing your knowledge and insight. A bonus is the chance to meet a like (or unlike) mind who's worked on similar
problems, providing an opportunity for feedback and brainstorming solutions to sticky problems.
Contribute to oopsla and you will be enriched as you enrich the world of software.
And when are those submissions due?
July 2, 2007 - Submission Deadline for Posters, Demonstrations, Doctoral Symposium, Onward! Tools and Films, Student Research Competition, and Student Volunteers
October 21, 2007 - Conference starts
Contact the workshop organizer for deadlines of that specific workshop.
In addition, there are four symposia that will be co-located with OOPSLA 2007. These may be appropriate if you want to target a very specific audience. Here are their web sites:
- Dynamic Languages Symposium
- International Symposium on Memory Management
- WikiSym
- Library-Centric Software Design Symposium
For more information, visit the OOPSLA website.