my favourite Apple announcement last week: new HIG!
For all that I'm excited about the new MacBook Air, it wasn't my favourite announcement to come out of Apple last week. As a user experience researcher, my absolute favourite announcement from Apple was that they have updated the Human Interface Guide. YAY!!! Now that I'm home from Macworld and caught up on my sleep, reading the latest HIG is now a top priority. Thankfully, I'm flying up to Redmond tonight, so I've now got something to do on the plane.
Anyone had time enough to read it and see what the differences are between this version and the old one?
January 21, 2008
Yay! Yay, and more yay! Another HIG for Apple to completely ignore in their own applications. :)Anonymous
January 22, 2008
One of my co-workers pointed out to me today that the new HIG uses points instead of pixels.Anonymous
January 27, 2008
Can you answer questions on Office Suite for Mac? Or, can you send me in the right direction to someone who can? I am looking for the option in Word to protect the document, but leave tabbed sections clients can tab to and fill in their information. I know where/how to accomplish this on a PC, but it doesn't seem to give the same option in the Mac version. Thanks for your help and expertise. Sounds like you have had a great time at your booth. KellyAnonymous
January 28, 2008
Kelly - For questions like this, I highly recommend that you check out the Microsoft public forums for Office:Mac. I have to admit that I don't know how to answer your question -- clearly you're more of an advanced Word user than I am! :) You can access the public forums through this link: