Mac girl at Microsoft, Windows boy at Apple
Oftentimes, when I tell people that I work on Mac software at Microsoft, the conversation is pretty predictable: disbelief that Microsoft makes Mac software, a reminder that we're the oldest Apple developer and make Office:Mac amongst other things, a comment that it's weird to do Mac development at Microsoft.
For all that it is occasionally weird to be a Mac girl at Microsoft, I think that it has to be at least five times as weird to be a Windows developer at Apple. I wonder what it's like to work on their Windows software teams.
June 11, 2007
Too bad Apple doesn't encourage (or even really allow, I guess) blogging by its employees, or maybe we could find out. However, it could be that there aren't even really Windows developers at Apple. Maybe they have unbelievable cross-platform development tools, and Windows apps are simply built using complier switches. And maybe someday we'll have calorie-free, caffeinated doughnuts. (Sarcasm aside, I think you're right on the money. It's got to be way stranger to work on Windows apps at Apple than Mac apps at Microsoft.)Anonymous
June 12, 2007
Here's an interesting blog post (from a previous Apple employee) about Apple and blogging:
June 16, 2007
You could go find out... the WebKit team is hiring... but if you were in the WebKit WWDC session you probably already knew that. Nevermind and welcome to the jungle!Anonymous
June 16, 2007
They've also posted that to their blog: