Where to Watch “Real Football” in Seattle?


Are you craving the Premiership, la Liga or Serie A whilst you are in Seattle – Fear not, you are not alone!

The 2 best places for live and repeated football (also known as “soccer” to some people) are:

1. FADO - 1st Avenue and Columbia, Downtown Seattle - https://www.fadoirishpub.com/seattle/eventview/all?page=1

2. George and Dragon -206 North 36th Street, Fremont - https://www.georgeanddragonpub.com/football.html

Please check the schedules for weekend and midweek games.

Remember - ID is required - PASSPORTS, US STATE ID, CANADIAN karenPROVINCES ID - NO FOREIGN DRIVERS LICENCES and you need to be OVER 21.

Authored by: Karen-Anne Young, Marketing, Events & Program Manager , Community and Online Support
