Security Technical Briefings - Part 2

Although it's nearly a week ago I feel as it was yesterday. On the second day (last Tuesday) for the train-the-trainer of our security technical briefings for customers and ISVs we covered the most important part for the briefings - security architecture.

My colleague Andreas Schabus really prepared a great session about security testing and he even wrote a ASP.NET fuzz tester. Actually the fuzz tester uncovered a little bug in the Visual Studio 2005 integrated web server... well that's penetration testing, isn't it:)

Finally when we wanted to cover the Visual C++ security parts, we figured out, that we leave them for Christian Nagel and Andreas Schabus as they both prepared those contents as well and... we beleave... they are the only ones in our group with real experience in this hard-core field of programming (I did lots of C++ things, but it's a while ago:)).

Finally we are all ready to deliver the briefings now. I am really looking forward to get the first feedbacks of customers / ISVs as content looks really great.

Thanks to all the great people that helped me setting the stage for those technical briefings...