System Requirements to join Live Meeting Webcasts

Some folks asked me what the system requirements are to join a live meeting. Here they are. I got this from the live meeting site at

System Requirements
Please check the following system requirements to ensure your setup is able to run Live Meeting Conference Center.

Live Meeting Conference Center System Requirements for Presenters and Audience Members

Windows meeting client

  • Microsoft® Windows® 98, NT4 SP6a, 2000 SP3, XP SP1
    • 166 MHz Pentium-based PC
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.01 and higher, or Netscape® 7.x
  • Microsoft® PowerPoint® 97, 2000, 2002, 2003 (for presenters)

Browser meeting client

  • PC users
    • Microsoft Windows 98, NT4 SP6a, 2000 SP3, XP SP1
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 and higher, or Netscape 7.x
    • Sun JVM 1.4 or JVMs preinstalled with the supported browsers
    • Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2002, 2003 (for presenters)
  • Mac users
    • Mac OS X 10.2
    • Internet Explorer 5.x (non-SSL) or Safari 1.0 (SSL if connecting without a proxy)
  • Solaris users
    • Sun SPARCstation w/ Solaris 2.8, Solaris 2.9
    • Netscape 7.x

Memory, bandwidth, and display requirements

  • 64 MB RAM
  • 56Kb/sec
  • 800x600 pixels required (1024x768 recommended)

Recording playback

  • Live Meeting Replay format
    • Windows Media Player 6.4, 7.0, 7.1, 9
    • 100Kb/sec
    • Not supported on Mac
  • Basic Recording format
    • Windows Media Player 6.4 and higher, or Real Player G2 and higher
    • 100Kb/sec


  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2004
    You got to be kidding me!? You need the JVM for the PC Users while the other OS do not?
  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2004

    Where are you located? It is not yet 1730 EST and you have posted tomorrow at 0547! Or is your server located in SE Asia? :-)

    - Sudar
  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2004
    The other OS already have the JVM installed.
  • Anonymous
    October 23, 2004
    Hi Sudar - I'm located in Redmond, WA in the Pacific Time Zone.

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2004
    I got clarification from our Live Meeting team. What I've listed as system requirements are for the browser console Meeting Client (formerly known as the java console.) This console runs on a java applet. For example, when a user attempts to access Live Meeting using a Mac, they are pushed to the "Browser Console." A new user to Live Meeting who has not seen the Native Windows interface may not realize that they were in this separate "Browser Console." That console has a completely different look and feel.
  • Anonymous
    October 25, 2004
    Aslo this is from Mary Slavin with Microsoft Live Meeting Technical Support.

    "The information regarding the Sun JVM or other pre-installed jvm is related to the Browser Console version of the software (or java version). This Browser Console is for users on Mac or Solaris, or for those users running Windows but have 1) no admin priviledges on their machines 2) a firewall that is preventing the installation of ActiveX Controls needed to run the Native Console.

    Most users entering our events are entering via the Native Console. "

    Hope this helps in understanding the system requirments I posted above.

    George, MSDN Webcasts