Bar Camp Texas: Bryan, Texas for your startup

So, if I were creating a startup would I settle in Bryan, Texas?  This isn't quite a fair question because for me it is pretty local ... but yes, it is a place that I might consider. 

What is the Bryan, College Station (BCS) area like?

The downtown area of Bryan is very cute and quaint or will be as the development continues.  It is one of the only places I know in Texas that you can walk to things.  Most other places I find myself driving across the street from Starbucks to the HEB.  The biggest advantage of living here seems to be its affordability. I moved here from Columbus, OH which is also cheap as cities go and this made Columbus look like NYC.  As far as living goes, there are lots of parks and places for children although the majority of areas are suburb-like and gated communities. 

The biggest advantage seems to be having Texas A&M nearby, with world-renowned research facilities and a huge computer backbone this is a great opportunity if you can find a way to get involved.

What else is around?  We have two communities of software stacks here, the .NET User's Group and the LAMP stack folks.  There is a lot of web design going on here. 

I had never actually pondered this question, so it was nice to have a stimulating session at the Bar Camp.
