DMF....whats in the package?

Since I posted my item on the DMF 3.0 this morning I seem to get alot of questions on this and I thought it's easier to answer it on my blog describing what is in the package then individually answer each question about whats in- or not in the package.

The Microsoft CRM Data Migration Pack contains TWO!!!!!!! data migration tools:

  • Data Migration Wizard for Microsoft Office Outlook with Business Contact Manager
    A wizard which guides you through migrating data from Microsoft® Outlook® with Business Contact Manager to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0. This wizard pulls data from a copy of your Outlook with Business Contact Manager database, stores the data in the Common Data Format (CDF) database, maps the data to valid Microsoft CRM values, and then migrates it to Microsoft CRM. This wizard is installed on your Microsoft CRM server. When you use this wizard, you do not need to use the Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework.
  • Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework
    The Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework consists of the following tools, which can be used to migrate data from any source database to Microsoft CRM:
    • Common Data Format (CDF) database (cdf_mscrm)
      The CDF database is a staging database for collecting the data for import into Microsoft CRM. The CDF database will be installed on the Microsoft SQL Server™ where your Microsoft CRM database is installed.
    • Data Migration Framework user interface
      The Data Migration Framework user interface is installed on your Microsoft CRM server. It structures the data migration process, with one page for each phase of the data migration process, and links to the following wizards:
      • CDF Initialization Wizard. This wizard takes configuration information from Microsoft CRM and initializes the CDF database.
      • CDF Data Mapping Wizard. This wizard maps owner names, territories, business units, and drop-down list (picklist) values from your CDF data to Microsoft CRM.
      • CDF Migration Wizard. This wizard takes configuration information from the CDF database and populates Microsoft CRM.
    • Command-line tools and stored procedures
      If you want to automate data migration or prefer command-line tools, you can use the wizards in a command-line mode that does not require user input. Stored procedures are provided for you to use to map data and control which records are migrated.
    • Documentation
      The following documentation details the migration process:
      • Microsoft CRM Data Migration Framework Online Help
      • Planning spreadsheets for tracking your data during data migration
      • Mapping spreadsheets for mapping source data from ACT!, GoldMine, and Siebel databases to Microsoft CRM


  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2006
    Where I can get a tryal copy of DMF 3.0 ?

  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2006
    I dont think you can use it as trial. You should have a working MS CRM installation. This is what you could do though:

    Install MS CRM with a 90-day trial keycode and then use the DMF on this installation. I hope this helped.

  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2006
    How do you import data for custom entities? I tried to initialize the staging database and i could not see the tables for the new custom entities I added to crm.

    I was able to see custom attributes for built-in crm entities though. Please mail me any solution for importing data for custom entities in crm to

  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2006
    I have some problems with CRM 3.0 Data Migration Framework. I've created CDF database and import my data (from Access) to it.
    I'm trying to migrate only one entity - Account.
    In cdf_Account table(about 1000 entries), I've filled that fields: AccountId(integer 1,2...), Name, Telephone1, OwningUserName (in the format domainlogonname). After that i used CDF Data Mapping Wizard, that filled OwnerUser field. And then I start CDF Migration Wizard, check Account entity. But it doesn't process any records.

    19.05.2006 - 14:18:31 -- CDF Entity Migration Order: Account
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:31 -- The CDF Migration Wizard is initializing. This may take several minutes.

    19.05.2006 - 14:18:38 -- Processing entity: Account
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:38 -- Starting migration phase
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:38 -- Test Batch Count = 0
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:39 -- Migration phase completed
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:39 -- Processing entity: Account
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:39 -- Starting update phase
    19.05.2006 - 14:18:39 -- Update phase completed

    Can you tell, why CDF Migration Wizard doesn't work properly?

  • Anonymous
    May 19, 2006
    I have the same problem.
    The mapping wizard doesn't complete, neither the migration wizard.

    No error message at all !

    What's the problem with this "so-called" Framework ! :-(

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2006
    Eaahhh... I'm not alone!

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2006

    Try this and update me please!

    When running the data migration no records come across.
    Cause: Fast load DTS was used and it did not use the triggers to populate the info tables
    Resolution: follow KB 862884

  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2006
    Sorry, I did not find the KB 862884.

    I used SSIS to populate my CDF database, and it is well populatedwith the correct amount of data.
    I did not use DTS.

  • Anonymous
    July 18, 2006
    The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Data Migration Pack is a downloadable set of tools that can be used to migrate...

  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2006
    I want to know how to Populate cdf_contact table from ACCESS.

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2006
    I'm trying to migrate some accounts (about 300) and contacts to CRM 3.0 using SQL 2005 on SBE 2003. The source is a XLS and I have mapped everything using SSIS including the Owners which i mapped later using the wizard provided in DMF, the problem is that info tables are not being populated at all, i think that triggers are not being use by SSIS. Consenquently, when i launch the final wizard, everything results in "Test Batch Count = 0".

    I have read that when using DTS, you had to disable Fast Load in order to use the triggers, but is there something similar in SQL 2005??

    Any help is useful!

  • Anonymous
    September 05, 2006
    Hi German,

    Have you removed the "Restricted Access" from the user that is doing the migration? Let me know if that helped, if not i maybe have a other option that could help.

  • Anonymous
    October 02, 2006
    hey mennotk, i took off the restricted access mode from the system user. however, i still had the same issues. no data migration actually took place. i have over 3000 records in the cdf database. this is horrible. the leat they could have done was tell you the reason why its not going through or not being recognized as entries.

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2006
    German, Mate, I tried using SQL 2005 using DTS to migrate to CRM. Its a bit harder (you feel ur getting closer) But I migrated using Transact-SQL (Sql Scripts) Its faster. Develop some codes where you can migrate into CRM back end (sql) tables.. Good Luck Yasantha

  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2006
    CDF_CRM thing does not work( I tried for more than 3 months) Use Transact SQL (SQL scripts) and write straight into individual tables in CRM_DATABASE. develop some codes and run all at once in the quary editor/analyzer

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2006
    To fix you need to add an appropriate ownername into all tables migrated

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2007
    If you use Transact SQL, how do you encrypt the PK for the AccountID, ProductID etc?

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2007
    I actually found the Data Migration Framework insufficient, as it does not support custom entities (I had over 400 to deal with + an extra table etc...). Also it refused to process anything to do with Activities. As a result I have had to port the data directly to the CRM backend via SQL (as many have already suggested here). I am currently posting how I did it online here: Hope this is of some help. cheers, John

  • Anonymous
    May 17, 2007
    John, Did you take a look at one of my other posts regarding Goldmine 2 CRM? And we have a nice code example available on the msdn site. Bulk Import which you could customize...

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2007
    Hm.... Thanks for the link - no I hadn't seen that post before, at least not as far as I can remember (I read a lot of posts when I initially started out - I might have just glossed over it). I bypassed scribe, as it did not seem to offer enough control over importing customized and extended data from the CONTACT2 and CONTSUPP tables. Our Goldmine was/is being used over and above its designed capabilities, with many areas being abused for custom data. This made it a bit more than just mapping the data to different tables. On two occasions I had to actually run C# code that sifted and reformatted the data to make it work. Thanks for the info though, John PS: Where was that bulk import example you mentioned?

  • Anonymous
    May 23, 2007
    Jonathan, it is located here

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2007
    Does anyone here have experience with migrating data to CRM using Data Migration Framework 3.0?  Are there any potential problems to look out for?

  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2007
    banhinc, I have no experience doing this using the DMF. What I would recommend is to invest in Scribe. They have easy steps and templates for this purpose.

  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2007
    I have a problem with the installation of DMF. At the end of the Wizard, he said : "The wizard was interrupted before Microsoft Dynamics CRM Data Migration Pack could be completly installed" Have sommone a Idea ?

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2007
    I’m trying to migrate ACT! Database to CRM database using Microsoft Data migration framework. I did install SSIS and tried to populate my CDF database & having problem when I try to map product table(couldn’t convert DT_Numeric to DT_CY for Unit price column) Any help is appreciated.

  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2007
    I just wanted to find out if can I import data onto custom entities using the Data migration Framework? thanx

  • Anonymous
    August 07, 2007
    Thandiwe, you cannot import data into custom entities with the DMF. You might want to take a look here: and try the bulkimport tool.

  • Anonymous
    September 04, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 20, 2007
    How do you import contracts??.. In that detailed excel it says nothing about which fields are REALLY required, and just by looking in the new contract form to check which attributes are mandatory it not seems to be enough. Can anyone tell me exactly what I need to populate in order to import the data?.. I've specified contractid, accountidname, billingaccountidname, title, contractemplateidname, activeon, expireson, owningusername; what else? thanks