Shake it up at MIX...

Just when you thought you knew everything about MIX's more coming your way! Get ready to be overwhelmed!

Have you heard the news? Not only will Steve Ballmer be keynoting at MIX, but so will Guy Kawasaki and Scott Guthrie and so will Ray Ozzie. This should be good! Spanking new content sessions, Spanking new stuff, Supa sexy product announcements! No I can't say more! I really, really want to but I can't! You and your customers can also join the MIX RSS feed to receive goodies long before the show kicks off.

Microsoft Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie joins Scott Guthrie on stage as a keynote speaker at MIX08 on Wednesday, March 5, 2008.  Ray will discuss Microsoft’s continued investment across the platform to deliver world class Web technologies and tools.  There’s lots of excitement with Silverlight, IE and much more to share.  But you have to come to MIX08 to get the latest… registration is filling up quickly so customer’s should reserve their seat today.

What is Scott Guthrie Going to Talk About @ MIX?

Find out in this brand spanking new 2-part interview, starting with IIS7 for Developers

Don’t forget the early bird registration ends tomorrow night. 

What’s new? Lots!

There's something magical about watching countdown clocks and anticipating good things! 53…More >

  Listen in on the latest episode and find out why Mike and Thomas should have their podcasting…More >

Watch the MIX team during their Channel 9 interview and listen carefully for an offer by Thomas…More >

Register before Tuesday, January 15, 2008 for a $200 discount- that’s almost 20% off! The full…More >

Do you have what it takes to restyle the MIX08 homepage? Top designs will win prizes to…More >


clip_image001Hear ye, hear ye!  MIX08 to debut the first ever MIX UX Track which is 3 days of solid content dedicated to creatives / designers.  Lou Carbone, David Armano, Dan Roam, Kim Lenox and others will speak.  In conjunction with Adaptive Path, the User Experience track is just one of the many great reasons for all types of designers and creative professionals to attend MIX this year.

clip_image002 The deadline for this year’s CSS contest, RESTYLE, has been extended.  Folks can still clip_image003restyle the MIX08 Homepage and win a pass to MIX08, 3 nights at the Venetian, $$ and more, more, more!

clip_image004Have you been listening to The Signal?  Each week a new episode debuts featuring a speaker or MIX crew member talking about some of the upcoming coolness happening at MIX08.  Listen to their interviews with Molly Holzschlag, Kip Kniskern, Jonathan Snook and others as we countdown to Vegas.

clip_image006 Perhaps you remembered last year’s MIX, in which we featured Flotzam, a WPF screensaver mash-up that showed MIX07 feeds from Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and blogs. Well, we are doing it again this year with a twist: we are running a contest and will feature community created skins of the application on the big screen and on the screensavers of the computers available to attendees at the show.  The best skin will win an XBOX 360.   Entering the contest is easy: everything you need to know can be found here including links to screencasts and instructions that show how easy it is to do the restyle.  


Spread the coolness!


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-Mithun Dhar

Technorati tags: MIX08, Coolness, Web 3.0, Microsoft Conference
