Using data to inform instruction

I am catching up on sharing some video interviews with you from a recent partner event. Today’s conversation is with Alvin Crawford from Schoolnet.

Schoolnet solutions take a platform approach using Microsoft technologies, primarily SharePoint Server, to build an end-to-end experience for all different user types and schools. They understand that parents, teachers, administrators and students have different needs in terms of the types of information they need to see, as well as access rights, and they create an experience that is seamless. They’ve also given a lot of thought behind the design and learned a lot from social networking and community sites so the environment is much friendlier to the audience type…if a teacher is accessing a data dashboard, they see tools and resources that are for a teacher.  Schoolnet also does a good job connecting data and content together to offer students collaboration opportunities.

Alvin and I had a good conversation about trends in education…in particular how to use data dashboards to drive action and improve and inform instruction.

Let me know what you think...

Anthony Salcito discusses education trends with Alvin Crawford, Schoolnet