Adventures In SoftwareLand

from the keyboard of Michael G. Lehman...

PDC05 Buzzcast - T-7 - Thomas Lewis and Show Off Night

Buzzcast #12 (T-7 days) features Thomas Lewis talking about the Thursday evening Show Off Night. You...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/07/2005

PDC05 Buzzcast - T-8 - Robert Hess of the .Net Show

Buzzcast #11 (T-8 days) features Robert Hess talking about the PDC05 episode of the .Net Show he'll...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/02/2005

PDC05 Buzzcast - T-9 - Microsoft Partner Pavillion

Buzzcast #10 (T-9 days) features Amy Strande talking about the Microsoft Product Pavillion which is...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/02/2005

PDC05 Buzzcast - Countdown to PDC05!

Starting today on the PDC05 Buzzcast I'm doing a daily show leading up to the official opening of...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/31/2005

Podcast interview on

I was interviewed at Gnomedex by John Furrier for and the podcast is now live! We...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/26/2005

And the winners are. . .

In the Blog'N My Way To PDC05 Contest: Trying-to-blog-my-way-to-pdc – Watch the video / Read the...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/22/2005

Code'n My Way To PDC05 Contest is over...

We are evaluating the 16 submissions and will be announcing the winners very shortly.

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/18/2005

Code'n my way to PDC05 Contest ends MONDAY

UPDATE: After a careful reading of offical contest rules... it turns out the contest ends on 8/15...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/11/2005

Code'n My Way to PDC05. . . contest ends next week!

For those of you who love deadlines. . . Next Friday (August 12th) night at 11:59PM Pacific Daylight...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/04/2005

Windows Vista Beta 1 Ships!

Windows Vista Beta 1 shipped today. Congratulations to the team on a major milestone in the biggest...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/27/2005

Shareware Industry Conference - Final Update

So... (as almost every sentence at Microsoft starts) I'm done with the conference and back in...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/18/2005

Shareware Industry Conference Day 2 (Friday)

Yesterday Dan Fernandez, Jed Rose and I gave an hour long presentation and hosted an exhibit booth...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/16/2005

Microsoft and Shareware

As the first day of the Shareware Industry Conference continues I've been thinking about how to...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/14/2005

Shareware Conference is underway...

Coming to you from beautiful, hot, Denver, Colorado, the 15th! Annual Shareware Industry Conference...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/14/2005

The Next Small Thing. . .

Update: Our talks are on Friday and Saturday (not Thursday... oops!). We at Microsoft believe in...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/09/2005

Jam packed week ahead...Off-site, Gnomedex, and more

This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza! First up is an internal...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/20/2005

TechEd it's not just a conference... it's an adventure

I've been here at TechEd since Sunday afternoon and it's been a great experience in a number of ways...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/10/2005

PDC 05 - Contests, Podcasting and Channel9

Our PDC 05 site for Channel9 just went live today: !!! There you will...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/07/2005

Software Factories are coming...

I'm finally back on-the-air blogging wise! I've been heads down for the past month or so completing...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 05/26/2005

Finally Rocking and Rolling...

Been out of the office for the past week or so attending a conference and completing my relocation...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 04/28/2005

A whole new world. . .

While I've been to the Redmond campus of Microsoft, where I now work full-time, 5 times already this...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/31/2005

Sleep is overrated...

...or so I once wrote in a song (MP3: Deadline). I think I must have been younger then ;) and now...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/30/2005

Palo Alto to Redmond by Car - Day 3 and beyond. . . The Finish Line

UPDATE: Photos are now online. So... I MADE IT!!! I arrived in the Seattle area early afternoon on...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/29/2005

Palo Alto to Redmond by Car - Day 1

Made it from Palo Alto to Eurkea in 7 hours! First batch of photos now up at...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/25/2005

Rollin, rollin, rollin, keep them people rollin....

As anyone who's read this blog in the past 2 weeks knows... I'm moving! I'm finally packed and ready...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/24/2005

Moving is never simple...

I'm in that zone of moving where I can't believe I have sooooo much stuff! The good news is that I'm...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/22/2005

iPAQ 6315 - R.I.P. (T-Mobile pulls PDA from shelves)

<PERSONAL_RANT!!!> The news today (from Engadget) is that T-Mobile has pulled the HP iPAQ 6315...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/19/2005

Steve Cook Interview: Inside Software Factories

Steve Cook, one of the co-authors of the Software Factories book that got me so inspired last year,...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/16/2005

Virtual PC 2004 continues to rock my world...

Just a quick note to developers who have not yet discovered Virtual PC it now! I continue...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/16/2005

RSS Feed for MSDN blog posts about PDC

Jeremy Mazner has just posted the link to the RSS feeds for MSDN blog posts about the upcoming...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/15/2005

Interviewing at Microsoft

Now, with a title like that you'd think that I'm about to give out the "secret" of passing Microsoft...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/15/2005

Litebulb: Regular Blog Posting...Takes Great, Less Filling!

It just hit me: Regular posting has a value in addition to the production of the longer "thought"...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/14/2005

Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes...time to life!

Ok, this is SoftwareLand launch control...the code has been loaded and has passed all required...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/10/2005

Domain Specific Language Tools Update

Gareth Jones notes the release of an update to our DSL tools. Small changes but a big help! This new...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/10/2005

ABC...Easy as 1-2-3, Indigo for you-and-me!

Yesterday I went to San Francisco and spent 8 hours attending "Indigo Day" at the VSLive!...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/09/2005

Survivor: SoftwareLand... Learn to be a name....not a number!

As a long-term veteran of the software biz I feel the pain of those who wish they could just code...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 12/20/2004

Podcasting From SoftwareLand. . . In Space!!!

The folks at Feedburner have updated their SmartCast feature and it is now possible, drop dead...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 12/14/2004

SoftwareLand.... In Space!

UPDATE: The folks at Feedburner have updated their SmartCast feature and it is now possible, drop...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 12/02/2004

Restaurants at the end of the Web…The final chapter

And so we come to the last chapter of Restuarants at the end of the Web. As I stated in the first...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 12/02/2004

Restaurants at the end of the Web…Part 3

OK, as promised, here’s the installment 3 of Restaurants at the end of the Web… Scenario: You’re...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/11/2004

Bite-Sized Software Catching On...

I ran across this quote this morning and I think it relates directly to one of the underlying...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/03/2004

BloggerCon III

Whoo Hooo! I just managed to get registered for the BloggerCon III being held this weekend at...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/03/2004

Restaurants at the end of the Web...Part 2

OK, as promised, here’s the installment 2 of Restaurants at the end of the Web… Scenario: You’re...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/02/2004

Two words: GO VOTE


Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/02/2004

Restaurants at the end of the Web...

As noted earlier, I’ve spent most of the last month working with the Software Factories team. It’s...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/31/2004

GPCE 2004 - Jack Greenfield Keynote

Once more on this trip I find myself in a conference room watching a keynote speech at an early...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/27/2004

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