HHH_CA: Thanks Toronto For Coming Out!



A big thanks to everyone who attended the Launch in Toronto.  It was a really great day.  Kevin Turner and all the track presenters were solid.  The demos were awesome, the customer videos worked and the overall "tone" of the day was on target.  (It's about you, not us)  We were also very pleased with the participation in the Community Connection event the night before.  I heard the discussions and best practice sharing conversations were very valuable. 

I would say the single biggest learning we had from the day was how we allocate space across the tracks.  We know (and apologize for) the smaller developer and architect track rooms.  We won't make that mistake again in the future.

The teams will be posted a ton of the content, including video, on the blogs over the next few weeks.  Ruth on our team was podcasting up a storm, so watch for that content coming out on the IT Pro blogs very soon as well. 



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