Update(2) on valuable blogs

From time-to-time I try to check which Team System blogs I regularly look at and I though sharing this with you might be pretty helpful:

A really great new "German" blog https://www.tfsblog.de/ was started by AIT AG one of our German Team System Quality Board partners and what I like about this one are the valuable articles they publish. They really put in additional value and share their experience.
If you speak German, be sure to visit their blog .

Let me add 2 more blogs to the list. One is from Thomas Schissler (Team System MVP) : https://www.artiso.com/ProBlog/default.aspx and th other one is from Thomas Jannsen: https://riskresolution.spaces.live.com/blog/ 

Another German alternative is Christians blog. Christian is a broadly known Team System expert and colleague of me here at Microsoft Germany: https://blogs.msdn.com/cbinder/ 

#1 blog is and stays Brian Harry: https://blogs.msdn.com/bharry , just in case you have not fell over it?

Additionally I want to point you to Stephanie's blog that still is pretty new:
https://blogs.msdn.com/stephaniesaad - Stephanie mainly focuses on future development, agile and distributed team topics.

Big value I also get from WIT Tools blog, they currently have a great series on internal Team System adoption at Microsoft: https://blogs.msdn.com/teams_wit_tools/

Not to forget Neno, a Team System MVP personal friend and Team System geek: https://msmvps.com/blogs/vstsblog/ 


A big bunch of other are out there and worth looking at. I will list a few more below:



