So you need a worker thread pool...

And, for whatever reason, the NT’s built-in thread pool API doesn’t work for you.

Most people would write something like the following (error checking removed to reduce typing (and increase clarity)):

class WorkItem
LIST_ENTRY m_listEntry;

class WorkerThreadPool
HANDLE m_heventThreadPool;
CRITICAL_SECTION m_critsThreadPool;
LIST_ENTRY m_workItemQueue;

void QueueWorkItem(WorkItem *pWorkItem)
// Insert the work item onto the work item queue.
InsertTailList(&m_workItemQueue, pWorkItem->m_listEntry);
// Kick the worker thread pool
void WorkItemThread()
while (1)
// Wait until we’ve got work to do
WaitForSingleObject(&m_heventThreadPool, INFINITE);
// Remove the first item from the queue.
workItem = RemoveHeadList(&m_workItemQueue);
// Process the work item if there is one.
if (workItem != NULL)
<Process Work Item>

I’m sure there are gobs of bugs here, but you get the idea. Ok, what’s wrong with this code? Well, it turns out that there’s a MASSIVE scalability problem in this logic. The problem is the m_critsWorkItemQueue critical section.  It turns out that this code is vulnerable to condition called “lock convoys” (also known as the “boxcar” problem).  Basically the problem occurs when there are more than one threads waiting on the m_heventThreadPool event.  What happens when QueueWorkItem calls SetEvent on the thread pool event?  All the threads in the thread pool immediately wake up and block on the work queue critical section.  One of the threads will “win” and will acquire the critical section, pull the work item off the queue and release the critical section.  All the other threads will then wake up, one will successfully acquire the critical section, and all the others will go back to sleep.  The one that woke up will see there’s no work to do and will block on the thread pool.  This will continue until all the work threads have made it past the critical section.

Essentially this is the same situation that you get when you have a bunch of boxcars in a trainyard. The engine at the front of the cars starts to pull. The first car moves a little bit, then it stops because the slack between its rear hitch and the front hitch of the second car is removed. And then the second car moves a bit, then IT stops because the slack between its rear hitch and the front hitch of the 3rd card is removed. And so forth – each boxcar moves a little bit and then stops. And that’s just what happens to your threads. You spend all your valuable CPU time executing context switches between the various threads and none of the CPU time is spent actually processing work items.

Now there are lots of band-aids that can be applied to this mechanism to make it smoother. For example, the m_heventThreadPool event could be an auto-reset event, which means that only one thread would wake up for each work item.  But that’s only a temporary solution - if you get a flurry of requests queued to the work pool, you can still get multiple worker threads waking up simultaneously.

But the good news is that there’s an easier way altogether. You can use NT’s built-in completion port logic to manage your work queues. It turns out that NT exposes a really nifty API called PostQueuedCompletionStatus that essentially lets NT manage your worker thread queue for you!

To use NT’s completion ports, you create the port with CreateIoCompletionPort, remove items from the completion port with GetQueuedCompletionStatus and add items (as mentioned above) with PostQueuedCompletionStatus.

PostQueuedCompletionStatus takes 3 user specified variables, one of which which can be used to hold a 32 bit integer (dwNumberOfBytesTransferred), and two of which can be used to hold pointers (dwCompletionKey and lpOverlapped). The contents of these parameters can be ANY value; the API blindly passes them through to GetQueuedCompletionStatus.

So, using NT’s completion ports, the worker thread class above becomes:

class WorkItem

class WorkerThreadPool
HANDLE m_hcompletionPort;

void QueueWorkItem(WorkItem *pWorkItem)
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hcompletionPort, 0, (DWORD_PTR)pWorkItem, NULL);

void WorkItemThread()
while (1)
GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_hCompletionPort, &numberOfBytes, &pWorkItem, &lpOverlapped, INFINITE);
// Process the work item if there is one.
if (pWorkItem != NULL)
<Process Work Item>

Much simpler. And as an added bonus, since NT’s managing the actual work queue in the kernel, it allows NT to eliminate the lock convoy in the first example.


[Insert std disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights]


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 30, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 31, 2004
    You don't mention that the completion port API also tries to limit the number of threads running simultaneously; if there's work to be done, but more than a given number of worker threads (associated with this port) are already running, NT won't release another thread. IIRC, this limit is 2x number of (virtual?) CPUs in the system.

    Conversely, when a thread associated with a completion port blocks (e.g. to perform synchronous I/O), NT looks to see if it can release another thread to keep the CPU busy. If there are fewer than the above limit threads running, there are threads blocked on the completion port, and there's work queued, NT will release a thread to replace the one that blocked.

    The net effect is to prevent context thrashing - where the scheduler spends more time trying to divide CPU time fairly among all the threads than the threads actually manage to get work done.

    At least, that's my recollection from Richter (Programming Applications for Windows, 4th ed, or it might be in Programming Server-Side Applications).

  • Anonymous
    April 01, 2004
    You're totally right Mike, I didn't include that (mostly for lack of time).

    See, there are LOTS of reasons to use completion ports for your work queues.

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    So... is there a way to query the number of items currently waiting in the queue?

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    I'm actually trying to use the ATL:CThreadPool class (which uses I/O completion ports) to queue up a long list of tasks (~6000) that take quite some time to finish - the whole process takes around 24 hours. I am looking for a way to tell when the queue has emptied in order to move to the next phase of my application. Am I barking up the wrong tree?

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    Hmm... That's a good question...

    Are you doing this on an MP machine? Are the tasks disk intensive? Since the CPU can only do one thing at a time, I'm wondering if queuing to the ATL::CThreadPool is the best idea.

    But anyway, since I don't know what you're doing, I can't speak to that.

    In your case, I'd just keep a counter - when you queue an item, increment it (with InterlockedIncrement), when you've processed a work item, you decrement it (InterlockedDecrement). When the count goes to 0, you're done.

    The general case can't work because NT can't know why you want the count of items, but in your specific case, since you know you won't be queuing new items, you can make it work.

    One gotcha - the count might go to 0 before you've finished queueing the items, especially on an MP machine, so you shouldn't check the count until you've queued all the tasks.

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2004
    Another way would be to post a specific item that marks the end of the adding of items to the queue. Just create this special item before going MT, then in each worker thread, test the item you just retrieved from the queue against the special item, and if they're equal, just exit.

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2006
    It seems everybody loves the thread pool. The default scheduler in Windows Workflow uses the thread pool,...

  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2006
    Nobody can make any progress because they keep getting stuck.

  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2008
    Volatile Read / Writes MSDN says " The volatile modifier is usually used for a field that is accessed

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