VM Prep Tool for Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 GDR is now available!

As you may be aware, Lab Management GDR is now available. In sync with this release, I am happy to announce that the VM Prep Tool for Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 GDR in now available at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/vslabmgmt.

What’s new?

VM Prep Tool GDR supports installation of patches for all lab management software on the VM. Patches can be downloaded here: (https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=8406ef19-35a3-4c03-a145-08ba982f3cef&displaylang=en) All patches to be installed should be indicated in the LabVMConfig.xml (located in the same folder as VMPrepTool.exe) under the ‘PatchesFolder’ parameter. The VM Prep Tool would pick up any patch executables found in this folder and install them on the VM.

This operation is supported both in self-service/ admin mode using the VM Prep Tool UI or from the command line.

Please refer to the documentation available on the release site for details on how to setup and use the tool. Do let us know if there are questions or feedback on the tool. Previous versions of the tool will continue to be available online (under the download tab->Releases) in case someone still requires it.


  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2010
    For the life of me, I can't get the tool to recognize a patch folder. I updated the LabVMConfig.xml file with the following  <PatchesFolder>\vmmVMPrepToolPatches</PatchesFolder>. I copied the above patches to this location specified location. I then run the UI tool in selfServe mode and the log files says 'Patch folder not specified, no patch will be applied.' I'm sure there is something simple I'm overlooking. A nudge in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks, Blair

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2010
    Blair,     The documentation is not clear on this issue. Thanks for pointing it out, I have updated the VM prep tool user guide. From the UI in self-service mode, please specify the patch location in the xml parameter: <Application name ="PatchesPath" path ="" /> This is found in the VMPrepToolLibraryApplications.xml file. You can ignore the other parameters in Applications.xml file (they are overriden from the UI). Please get back to us if you have more concerns. Thanks, Shankar

  • Anonymous
    September 09, 2010
    That worked. Thanks for the quick response. Blair