SharePoint Utility Suite 2.1 - Coming Soon, revisited :)

In my previous post ( SharePoint Utility Suite 2.1 - Coming Soon ) I noted that It will include "some minor, but important, changes to both SPUserUtil and SPSiteManager" (See that posting for details). 

In this release, It "Was" going to have the official 1.3 version of SPSiteManager (The changes for it were posted here

I've decided since then that it will actually contain a bit more than just the minor fixes, and I'm going to go ahead and include the 2.0 version of SPSiteManager that I've been working on, so I spent a considerable amount of time yesterday and today polishing it off, testing, and updating it's documentation for release. It contains some major updates and enhancements to the analysis engine, as well as some new features that I've seen quite a few requests for over the past couple of months or so.

Over the next couple of days, I'll be doing the same for SPUserUtil 2.5. (See Quick Fix for UpdateUsers() in SPUserUtil for one of the minor fixes) because of repeated feature requests, that I think deserve to be in the next release.

I may decide to do a quick diff of SPUserUtil and SPSiteManager from the currently published Utility Suite ( against the previously announced SPUserUtil 2.3 and SPSiteManager 1.3 code base, and blog those changes here, just to get those minor fixes out while I finish testing on the new versions.

I'm also including a major update to SPSiteBuilder. Allthough it does not provide any real end user value, it does provide some really cool new features for building out test sites, etc. I think some IT folks may find it useful to do load testing and site scalability scenario testing.

Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but I'm focusing on some serious quality in this release. Just wanted to update you on the status.

 - Keith