Continuous Integration using Team Build

You can easily get Team Build setup to perform Continuous Integration - a number one ask from most of the users of Team Build. Here is a sample which kishore and I came up with which helps you to get going with it (for beta3 and beta3R)

Follow these simple steps I followed to setup my CI sample

1. Install the CI.msi

2. In the second page of the wizard when it asks me for Site – I choose ‘Team Foundation Server’, Virtual directory is CI

3. I am done and the CI tool is installed.


4. I go to IIS manager and check if CI has been registered under ‘Web Sites’ ‘Team Foundation Server’

5. Go to the properties of CI and make sure the Application Pool chosen is ‘TFS AppPool’


Now I need to edit the web.config file in the CI tool


6. I go to the local path where CI has been installed – in my case by default it has gone to d:program filesMicrosoft Visual Studio team Foundation ServerwebservicesCI

7. uncomment the following line and add the name of the TFS server, team project name and build type name

<add key="1" value="TeamServer=https://MyMachine:8080;TeamProjectName=AdWorks;BuildType=CI"/>


Finally I need to subscribe to the checkin event notification using bissubscribe


8. subscribe to the notification using Bissubscribe

To do this, use the bissubscribe tool available at “%programfiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation ServerTF SetupBisSubscribe.exe" on the server.  The command to use is

Bissubscribe /eventType CheckinEvent /address https://khushboo-dev1:8080/ci/notify.asmx /deliveryType Soap /domain https://khushboo-dev1:8080  


Voila! You have CI all set for you, make a quick checkin and see if you get that build triggered off !


Something seems to be wrong still ? - Go through this list to make sure everything is in place

- Did you remember to choose Team Foundation Server while as the site or was it created under the default web site

- Did you remember to choose the TFSAppPool as the Application Pool

- Sometimes after subscribing to the checkin event – iisreset is needed


The sample consists of:

  1. notify.asmx

  2. web.config – the configuration page which contains the properties for continuous integration.

  3. app_code*.cs – the source code for the application.

  4. bin*.dll – the reference assemblies.

Soon you will find a detailed whitepaper on this sample on MSDN - till then have fun with the sample and feel free to let us know what do you think of this.


  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2006

    I have attempted to install your CI example but I have not been able to get it to fire off a build when I check in. I doubled checked all the setting you have specified and they appear correct. Is there anyway to check that the Event has been successfully registered with BisSubscribe? Can you get a list of subscibed events?


  • Anonymous
    January 05, 2006
    Hi Anthony

    Unfortunately I dont think there is a way to get a list of all subscribed events. However try these three things to find out the issue

    1. Recheck if you have correctly edited the correct web.config file and have the correct team project, tfs and build type name

    2. Try resubsribing to the event using the same command as mentioned in the blog and you should get back an id (typically the same one if you had subscribed earlier also).

    3. Go to the website created during setup (say CI) and right click on the notify.asmx and browse - does the site come up?

    4. Look for the CILogger.txt. We create this log file during the CI process in windowsTeamp directory. If you have this log file - it means that the event was successfully subscribed and there was a problem in the CI process. Do send me the error in the log file and then we can investigate further

  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2006
    You can get a list of subscribed events directly from thr database. On the TFS data tier machine try this

    use tfsintegration

    select * from tbl_subscription

    If you have subscribed successfully you should see the entry in this table
  • Anonymous
    January 11, 2006
    I've found a bug that occurs when you check code into multiple team projects in the same changeset.

    My CILogger.txt reports the following:

    Error: ProjectPortfolio: <ProjectA>, <ProjectB> does not exist in Web.Config

    Even though I have an entry for <ProjectB> defined.
  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2006
    this is an excellent example but obviously it assumes you have one build type per Team Project
  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2006
    Thanks Simon for trying out CI and Team Build. Yes you are correct, it supports only one build type in its current shape. But I guess we can change this behavior by tweaking the code a little bit..hmm..something that we will try once we are out of the V1 bug fixing :)
  • Anonymous
    February 01, 2006
    hey khushboo, just wondering what the purpose of the userid is that is passed into bissubscribe. also when executing the command i was prompted for another userid and password. i need to know so that i can determine what kind of user to provide, and what priviledges. thanks heaps. ps - really great how streamlined yet effective.
  • Anonymous
    February 05, 2006

    First of all sorry for this delayed response. Was down sick for a couple of days and hence off emails and blogs:(.

    To answer your question - the user id is required to verify that the user has the permission to subscribe/or subscribe others to receive this event.

    BTW - just as an FYI this has changed post beta3 - the command no longer requires this user id to be entered and the default user id of the person executing the command will be used

    Hope this helps
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2006
    Many of you must have already noted that the CI sample that we had earlier posted here was broken for...
  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2006
    Thanks for the update for the RC. I have now setup the example, and are using an LCD-TV to display the status of the build. Looks pretty cool. Check out

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2006
    I'd like to get continuous integration (CI) working for my TFS server here at the office as my next step.&amp;nbsp;...
  • Anonymous
    May 18, 2006
    The continuous integration sample and article from Khushboo Sharan and Kishore M N is now available in...
  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2006
    This is a beautiful thing.
    Continuous Integration is something more development shops should embrace,...
  • Anonymous
    July 17, 2006
    Jeff Atwood at Vertigo Software did some refactoring of the CI sample for TFS that Khushboo developed.&amp;nbsp;...
  • Anonymous
    August 09, 2006
    I have setup a CI platform, everything seems ok but how do we configure team foundation server so it can run webtests also?
  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2006
    how are you?????
  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2006
    I need your help in one regard. If the team build failed due to recent check-in file then i need to revert back this check-in so that i can have buildable code available in source cocotrol every time. So is there any way to achieve this through programatically or by any other way.
  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2006
    I need your help in one regard. If the team build failed due to recent check-in file then i need to revert back this check-in so that i can have buildable code available in source cocotrol every time. So is there any way to achieve this through programatically or by any other way.
    My e-mail:
  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2006
    Team foundation server is a monster. Seriously, it's so big and heavy, that trying to do something as
  • Anonymous
    October 10, 2006
    The comment has been removed